Friday, October 7, 2016

– Set kabinettsspørsmål, Erna – Daily

finance minister Siv Jensen delivered yesterday it is regjeringas valgkampbudsjett. But even though she uses over 1.300 billion to good causes and warm heart matters, will not the Right in and Right from the that everything to come is going to be about gas – and dieselavgift and CO₂-emissions.

the Left-leader Trine Skei Grande has promised his profile that if the government does not deliver the greenest budget, have not the government a future. Yesterday she got a key.

– the Government may have a plan to get the majority along with a few others, but they know well that they should get a majority for the budget with the Left, they must put forward a budget that actually cuts emissions by 2030, said Grande to the Daily newspaper.


according to last year’s budsjettavtale between the four bourgeois parties, should the government in this budget laying out a green skatteskifte with the goal of significant klimakutt. Last week delivered the Jensen and Erna Solberg’s green skattepakke:

Taxes on CO₂ and fuel increases with nok 1.6 billion, which should provide a CO₂-cut of 0.2 million tonnes.

It all matched, however, with 900 million in relief to motorists. Longer than this is not Right and the political Right willing to go.

– If the Right and the progress party stands on it, what is the utmost consequence, Grande?

– When should the prime minister go to the pulpit to say that this is an ultimatum that she is willing to go on. If she is willing to go on 196 million in the year, then it is not we who are the problem, ” she says.

For me it is easy. Ultimatum and kabinettsspørsmål make the prime minister from the Parliamentary pulpit. Until she does that, everything forhandlingsbart, ” continues Grande.

If it happens, is the Left willing to shoot the prime minister?

– the Left has said clearly all the time that should the government have the majority, then they must deliver on climate, ” says Skei Grande.

the Chairman of the finance committee, Hans Olav Syversen, who will negotiate the budget on behalf of the Sector, is more low-key.

– If there is a breach of it, is subjective. The government says it has delivered. We think it must be better. Here we have a job to do, ” he says.

pain threshold

One who is ready to negotiate, is the right’s fiscal advocate, Hans Andreas Example. But drivstoffavgiftene is off the negotiating table, ” assures he.

the Government has said that it posted is a smertegrense, ” he says.

–Provides the budget significant reductions in emissions as agreed?

Together with other measures, this provides positive effects for the environment. I have heard the Liberal assessment, and this becomes a theme in the negotiations, ” he says.

He will not guarantee that the gasoline – and dieselavgiftene does not increase more than 15 and 35 cents for november.

I give no warranties for the results of budsjettforhandlingene, but we are clear that it is smertegrensa for the progress party, says Example.

the Conservative paralmentariske leader Trond Helland, add an an optimistic tone:

When we first get started with the negotiations, I have always experienced a constructive willingness to find agreement. I think we’ll get to in the year also, says Helleland to the NTB.

– Delivered resignation

the Evidence of the lack of CO₂-cut pick Skei Grande from the government’s own budget. Up to 2030 will release in the not-kvotepliktig sector, which is largely the transport, only to go down by 2.1 per cent, shows fremskrivningene.

Emissions from transport and road transport is expected to increase by 7.7 and 7.4 per cent from 2005 to 2030.

the Government has promised significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, and 2.1 per cent in cuts in 2030 is the answer. It is not significant when the goal according to the Parisavtalen is to cut 40 per cent in the next 13 years, ” says Skei Grande.

the Country’s environment and klimaorganisasjoner provides Grande broad support: Siv Jensen’s sister, Nina Jensen of WWF, and fagsjef in ZERO, Kåre Gunnar Fløystad, said yesterday that the government with this budget has delivered in his own avskjedssøknaden.

Error based

the Government believes that the 2.1 per cent to a wrong starting point. They show that the measures implemented the last two years is not caught up in the math. The number of electric vehicles in Norway has, for example, has risen much faster than assumed, and it can give lower emissions.

– There are many measures that have been undertaken, which has not given immediate effect, but which provides positive effects in the long run. There has been a faster replacement of the vehicle fleets now than with the old avgiftssystemet. The changes we have made have been given work in a short time, explains the Example in the conservative party.

It does not look as promising to reach the Paris target of 40 per cent cuts when fremskrivningen shows that we are on track to a cut of 2.1 per cent?

We must remember that, in a global context is the Norwegian emissions below the one percent, he says.

Grande buy not regjeringas explanation.

I relate me to the government’s own table in the budget. If we are to look to something else, why have they not posted it? she asks.


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