Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Man in 40s killed in work accident – Telemarksavisa

Police confirm that one person died in the accident and that Kriminalteknikere and the labour inspection authority is notified.

crime Scene should be investigated, and the municipality’s crisis team is notified, telling the police in Vestfold on Twitter.

Operasjonsleder Per Andreassen says that they do not want to go out with further information, in the interest of the investigation so now is initiated.

– We avhører now witnesses, and technicians do their research. We don’t want to say anything more about the sequence of events before this is done, because we don’t want to come with information that may be inaccurate in an early phase. Notification of the next of kin have been implemented, and we currently do not out with the age of the deceased, explains Andreassen.

At 19.30-the time passes the police with information that the deceased is a man in 40s from Larvik.

PHOTO: Theo Aasland Valen

PHOTO: Theo Aasland Valen

the Whole area was blocked off

It was in 13.30-the time that the police in Vestfold county, reported that a serious accident has occurred in a quarry in the Tvedalen at Helgeroa.

The 14-time tells the journalist Bjørn-Tore Sandbrekkene that the entire area is blocked off, and that no release into the quarry. Politibetjenter on-site refers to the police operasjonssentral for information:

– the Road is blocked in the bottom of a hill so that it is not possible to see into the area, ” says Sandbrekkene.

the Accident should have happened in Bjørndalen in Tvedalen, where there are several quarries with activity. 43 employees work at the breach, where it is taken out råblokker of Larvikitt.

A production supervisor who were on holiday abroad, also confirms that there has been an accident, and that he cancels their holiday to travel home:

I don’t think it’s appropriate to be on vacation in such a situation, said the production supervisor before it was publicly known that an employee had died.

– We do our utmost to assist

We can confirm that there has been a serious accident in one of our quarry, but we are working to get contact with the police, and get an overview of what has happened. Therefore, we can’t go out with any more information about the accident. we have been in contact with-foreman was asked in the breach. He tells that the police are working to identify what has happened, told Janne Magnussen, head of communication in the Lundhs in 14.30-time.

At 16.30 sent the company out a press release where they refer to the police for information about the event itself.

It is with great sadness that we announce that one of our employees died as a result of a work accident. Our thoughts and compassion go to the families and others involved. We will do our utmost to assist the families and staff in a difficult situation, ” says adf. ceo of Lundhs, Thor-Anders Lundh Håkestad.

the Management of the company assists the now the employees together with a crisis team from Larvik municipality and the company health service.

We have put krisestab with us and assists the police and other authorities as well as we can, ” says Lundh Håkestad.


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