Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Large municipalities deliver the best, believe Consumer – Sunnmørsposten

Through the several years, Consumer comparison of Norwegian municipalities and what comes of the information and service to citizens. The quality and content of the service itself has not been tested.

Now has Consumer the best of my ability merged the surveys, and concluded that the large municipalities deliver better than small.

Asker best in test

Among the top 25 municipalities are the only two that have fewer than 10,000 residents. In return, one of the two Vinje municipality in Telemark, norway, who with their 3.700 inhabitants of the ports on the second place.

Number seven

Some of us are so old that we remember the “Playhouse” from the children’s TV: “the Number today is …”.

the Test winner is Asker – incidentally, with 55.000 more citizens than Vinje.

Then follows the Headlands, Bærum, Hamar, norway, Ringerike, Trondheim, norway, Enebakk, Rælingen and Sarpsborg on the next positions.

Read more issues about kommunereforma.

Three little ones at the top

All of the 50 municipalities with the lowest score – when all the years added together – have under 10,000 inhabitants.

the Weakest out come company also operates the route, followed by the Horn and Vevelstad.

the Picture is, however, far from unambiguous. For, as the Norwegian Consumer council earlier this year tested the municipalities in the e-mail, telephone and contact via websites, was premiepallen seized by the Fedje (576 inhabitants), Located (1.052) and Valle (1.289).

be Taken seriously

Forbrukerdirektør Randi Flesland says that citizens must be able to expect that the municipalities are delivering well on the services that the council has tested.

– Unfortunately, very many municipalities have a long way to go before we are satisfied with the service and information they provide. At the same time, there are also some smaller municipalities as well comes out. It shows that it is possible to deliver quality, as long as you have a culture to take the contact with the residents seriously, think Flesland.

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thus, It is the municipality’s contact with citizens – as, for example, in the form of service centres, customer service, and websites – which is measured by the Consumer.

Offered as kindergartens, schools, health services, elderly care – are not measured. Nor do other circumstances in the municipality that can record on citizens ‘ well-being is with in this study.


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