Wednesday, October 5, 2016

High: Help, not punishment, drug users – the Newspaper.en

Only in Oslo and Bergen are drug users fined for nok 48 million in the last five years, reported NRK recently. This is often heavy drug users, who neither have housing, work or the track of the economy. The fines remain either unpaid while the debt builds up, or they can be paid down through the stay in jail. All this as punishment for that they are trying to keep at bay an addiction that they would most like to get rid of.

In Norway we have many active and engaged organizations for drug users. They disagree about much, but one thing they agree on: Punishment and fines against drug use and possession often does more harm than good to both society and the individual.

I agree.

main aim drug policy is to limit the harmful effects of substance abuse on both society and the individual. Drug use is first and foremost a health problem. It is with it basically the problems can be solved.

Those who be taken for the use and possession of drugs for personal use – need first and foremost to get the follow-up and a way forward.

Therefore I will the Conservative program for the next stortingsperiode to turn down that help, not punishment, should be the starting point to follow up with them as to be taken for the use and possession of drugs. It is the health care system, not the justice sector, which will have responsibility for the work on monitoring.

These ideas are also inspired by experiences from Portugal. Where has the health and social sector the legal responsibility for those who are taken for use and possession. People who are taken for use is sent to the call with the interagency commission within 72 hours from the time they are taken, and it is evaluated how the user should be followed up on.

the System was controversial when it came, but now there are few that question it. The results are good. Predictions of doom did not. Resources in the police released to the more serious crime, and health services are strengthened.

Norway can not import the model indiscriminately, but we must learn from what works. How the details of the system shall be designed must be studied well, whether it is adopted, and must be designed in close cooperation with the police, health service and brukermiljøene.

In practice we are come good on the way in this track already. Norway has come far in the use of alternative responses to drug law offences – as, for example, narkotikaprogram with domstolskontroll and others.

This is the offer where they recorded drug offences are offered various forms of follow-up in order to get out of the abuse, and return to a life without crime, rather than to måtet zone in prison.

I think anyway that the ban should stand. We should not legalize drugs. The prohibition sends an important signal about the dangers of substance abuse, and, not least, it provides a gateway to help. It is the harmful straffetiltakene we must deal with.

It is also correct to be able to use the police powers to break up the open russcener, preventing new recruitment, and limit the damage narkotikamiljøer can inflict on society and local communities. The possibility consists, but it has no purpose for the police “to run after tired of drug addicts”, so the attorney general has formulated it.

The addicted of drugs to escape the ever-impending threat of fines and penalties. And, perhaps more importantly, They should meet with dignity and not have to feel that they are constantly being harassed and chased – without having done anything wrong.

Not least in the light of this, it is now proposed to be important: It sends a very different signal about how we look at those who use drugs, whether it is the responsibility of the health care system, not the justice sector.

There is a huge difference on those who use drugs. Both because no users are completely equal, but also because it is widely different groups of users, and what substances they use. The precise follow-up will be adapted to different needs – whether it is needed is early action, or heavy treatment.

New users are often young people who are landed on the inclined plane. To give them fines and a record can make the inclined plane steeper. These should also be helped on the right track, where one can grasp the underlying cause for the search rus. To be taken for drug use should become a turning point, not end up as the first of many stops on a criminal track.

For young and new users who are not dependent, however, is seeking substance abuse and risk, just want it to be taken, the warnings you get and the information provided may be enough to prevent a reunion with the commission.

Others require closer follow-up, and have to get this.

For them addicted to heavy substances, penalties and fines pointless. There is often nothing they would rather do than to break the addiction and change their lives. But many people are struggling to keep the life on their feet again. High debt, after the piles of fines from the police doesn’t make it easier. These need treatment and support, not jail time and fines.

There are no easy solutions here. Why it is so important that this government has put forward a binding opptrappingsplan for the field of drugs, reduced waiting time for rusbehandling dramatically and provided a financial and a qualitative boost for both the prevention, treatment and follow-up.

Therefore I think the word decriminalization is little lucky. It is not enough to say we should not punish and fine users. We also need to put the municipalities, Welfare and health care services in able to do what it takes to follow up with them taken for use and possession. This system will never work if we do not continue the government’s commitment in the drugs field.

To limit the damage from the drug on the society and the individual is the most important goal of drug policy. Should we succeed with it we must realize that the principle of assistance, not punishment, is the way ahead must be built on.

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