Tuesday, October 4, 2016

George of the Apes is dead – VG

Former member of parliament and director of the data Inspectorate, the George of the Apes, is dead, the 76-year-old.

Østfold Right confirms to VG that George of the Apes, died Sunday. Ingrid Willoch that he was married with the last 29 years, recalls a spouse as a warm and cultured man, it was always fun to be with.

– It is terribly painful to lose him. At the same time I am grateful for the time we got together, ” says Willoch to VG.

She tells him that he was quite ill the last two years after two lårhalsbrudd and cancer. He became gradually worse, and died at the nursing home Sunday night. Earlier in the day they had together seen a replay of the NRK program “Torp” where Kåre Willoch was a guest. The apes had engaged the commented and followed.

When I went home agreed we are to meet again in the morning. A few hours later called from the nursing home and said that he had been much worse.

She fullroser the nursing home for the outstanding treatment her husband got there.

– When you have had a man as a man is so loved and that you respect as highly as I have done, it is incredibly hurt when he is gone, ” says the spouse.

(the case continues under the picture)

<p>SPOUSE: VG besøexquisite couple  at home in Fredrikstad in 2010, when Georg of the  Apes would gå of that direktør in the  Inspectorate. His wife Ingrid Willoch served cake  and coffee.</p>

SPOUSE: VG visited the couple at home in Fredrikstad in 2010, when Georg Apes should go by that director in the data Inspectorate. His wife Ingrid Willoch served cake and coffee.

Photo: Linn Cathrin Olsen, VG

Principled and solid

Deputy of the Right, Jan Tore Sanner, says he receives of the Apes’ demise with sorrow.

He was important for the Right, but also an important social commentator. He was busy always of the issues of principle in politics. It was also the background for that, he was director of the Inspectorate, where he marked the boundaries for government power and individual privacy and individual freedom, ” says Sanner, who also reviews the Apes as colorful.

Also minister of foreign affairs Børge Brende honor of the Apes.

Very sad message that a friend and former colleague George of the Apes has passed away. Georg was the hallmark of integrity and solid verdiballast, printer, Burned on Twitter.

of the Apes was by some seen as controversial, inter alia because he was not afraid to speak against his own party. In 2008, the Conservative local branch in Coventry to exclude the Apes. Just two days later they went back on that decision. The apes even called the whole process “pitiful”.

– Warm and inclusive.

member of parliament for Østfold Right, Ingjerd Schou, describes the Apes as a towering figure with the word in its power.

<p>WILL MISS HIM: Ingjerd Schou  describes the Apes as a man one could always shove  him på.</p>

WILL MISS HIM: Ingjerd Schou describes the Apes as a man one could always shove.

Photo: Kristian Helgesen, VG

We’ve known that he has been bad for a while, and now we have lost a strong and important voice. It was not always we agreed, and he was devastating. But I will miss him very, and I hope I manage to continue many of the things he has stood for.

what was he like as a politician?

He was never afraid to stand alone, and he was a strong and visible. He has meant very much for the Østfold Right through the many years in Parliament. He has done that we have many representatives inside the Parliament and he has also got up the political interest.

He was warm and welcoming, and he mastered the pen. He compromise never was a righteous man one could always shove. He stood fjellstøtt anyway, continue Schou.

Awesome humor

Ingeborg Moræus Hanssen, who previously, among other things, was kinosjef in Oslo, was a close friend of the Apes.

– We have long roots. Our parents knew each other, and we have known each other since we were young. He married a vestfolding, and I did also, so we had to hold out, laugh Hanssen.

She describes the Apes as a monument in your circle of friends.

Georg was happy to keep in touch with their friends. He loved to speak, he was colorful, and he had a wonderful sense of humor. It is a little small now that George has been gone, she says.

– He was his own

<p>BIG RESPECT to: George of the Apes  was extremely knowledgeable, and reprådte  often independent of partilinjene, believe friend,  Per Edgar Kokkvold.</p>

BIG RESPECT to: George of the Apes was extremely knowledgeable, and performed often independent of partilinjene, believe friend, Per Edgar Kokkvold.

Photo: Knut Erik Knudsen, VG

– George of the Apes was extremely knowledgeable, extremely well read, and a politician of a type there are too few of in the day, ” says the former head of the Commission Professional Committees, Per Edgar Kokkvold:

I knew him not only through the work of presseetiske cases, but he is also as a friend. He is one of the most public people in the country I have had the most respect for. When I think of him, I come in the little verse, a gruk, by Danish Piet Hein: “Little cat, little cat, little cat on the road: If you, if you are? – I are sgu my own”. He did not compromise with anything, and was a type of politician we have too few of today. Who are not so careful with partilinjene, but stands on his own opinion. Not all politicians can be so, but today we have too few of them. George of the Apes was extremely well read, extremely knowledgeable, and came into politics with a large hinterland, not as a politikertype who climb their career inside the partisystemet, said Kokkvold

21 years in the Inspectorate

of the Apes was born 5. april 1940, just four days before Germany’s naziokkupasjon of Norway. He grew up in Fredrikstad as the son of the “sorenskriver” Christian B. of the Apes and Inger Johanne of the Apes.

He was married to Ingrid I. Willoch, also she Høyrepolitiker and former deputy mayor of Fredrikstad.

of the Apes was a trained lawyer and worked as both the deputy judge and lawyer. A period he was also a journalist at Fredriksstad Blad, before he was elected into Parliament for the Right in 1977. He was re-elected both in 1981 and 1985.

Later, he worked as the director of the Inspectorate, from 1989 to 2010. The current director of the authority, Bjørn Erik Thon, took over after of the Apes. He says many are upset in the workplace today.

Many here have worked with him and had him as a boss. Of the apes was a personkjempe that was clear-cut and principled. He was respected in all environments, and a retoriker we have never seen before.

Thon believes he managed the most important of all as the director of the Inspectorate, namely to put privacy on the agenda.

He made the Option to a known and strong institution. We are very grateful for today.

In 2010 he was appointed knight of 1. class of the St. Olav’s Order.

Much discussed drapssak

In 1978 found George of the Apes his mother knivdrept in her home. The case received great media coverage by the standard, but the police failed to find the perpetrator. Even if they charged a man, who turned out to be innocent, five years later.

First, almost three decades later, in 2006, there came a tip that should solve the issue. Man it was tipped about the confessed immediately. Police attached to trust in the confessions, and considered the case as solved. Since the man had been 14 years old when the murder happened, and the case was obsolete, it was nevertheless dismissed.


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