Thursday, September 1, 2016

NPRA go Hemsedalfjell – NRK

The reaction is entirely positive hjå Hemsedalsforkjemparane and equivalent negative for those who squandered for Hardangervidda after NPRA presented say KVU-Thesis which concludes that highway 52 over Hemsedalfjell is the best north physician main road between the east and west.

– This is ein happy day. And very pleasing for us as propellants in the transport industry, says Magne Ahlin propelled transport company on Håbakken Laerdal.

KOMPLETTA mayor Noralv Distad (H) in Aurland are ularly pleased with recommendation today.

Photo: Noralv Pedersen / NRK

– As expected. This is a clearly seen academic recommendation showing that Hemsedal cast out best in cost, duration and regional impact, says Mayor Noralv Distad in Aurland.

– Very ularly pleased. Together with E134 over Haukeli covers highway 52 west coast in the best way, says the mayor of Hemsedal, Oddvar Grøthe.

– Eg notices great insecurity. And quite jamnt run. So here opens it up, that will EiT political val, says Mayor Hans Erik Ringkjøb Voss.

NPRA today presented a KVU-Thesis where they for the second gong concludes that highway 52 over Hemsedalfjell is the best main road.

GOING FOR HEMSEDAL mOUNTAINS: NPRA believes highway 52 over Hemsedalfjell is the best north physician main road between the east and west.

Photo: Oddmund Haugen / NRK

NPRA believes that Hemsedalfjell is better than highway 7 over Hardangervidda, both core to “economics, effectiveness and ability to serve national service who can not use the E134,” as it says in recommendation from transport agency.

it has Vore tie great excitement to what recommendation Road Administration would comet with. NPRA say academic recommendation will vege heavily when the politicians should take before finally decide what road it will focus on in addition to the E134 over Haukeli.

READY: Road Administration recommends that Rv. 52 Hemsedalfjell gets beat like hovudveg between the west and the east. E134 over Haukeli mountains are all elected as the others.

Photo: NRK / Google Maps

Requested extra round

Before Christmas certain samferdsle minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen (FRP) that E134 over Haukeli shall vera the sørlege trunk road between the east and west, but what that shall vera the north physician main road shove Minister lead themselves.

Even though NPRA in January last year – after an extensive Thesis work – recommended that Hemsedalfjell were you better option than Hardangervidda specific Solvik-Olsen that they two alternatives should greiast out ein gong.

rOAD tO GO oVER HEMSEDAL mOUNTAINS: Public Roads Administration has concluded that highway 52 over Hemsedalfjell is the best road between the east and west.

ROAD TO GO oVER HEMSEDAL mOUNTAINS: Public Roads Administration has concluded that highway 52 over Hemsedalfjell is the best road between the east and west.

today lasted conclusion presented at Voss with forkjemparar for both vegalternativa to increasingly. Hemsedalfjell is recombined with E134 a better overview is acquired solving, which “will provide effective and socially secure hovedvegforbindelser for travelers in a geographically wider area than highway 7 can cover.”

NPRA its conclusion today involves starting skotet for ein intense political battles, culminating in Parliament to adopt new north aust-west trunk road in June next year as part of the new national transport plan for 2018-2029.

CONCLUSION: Project manager Morten Ask (center) presented KVU report on Voss in the afternoon. Vegsjef Helge Eidsnes to the right.

Photo: Noralv Pedersen / NRK

– joyous day

The transport industry has long fought for Hemsedalfjell. Truck Magne Ahlin is very excited.

– Hemsedalfjell are many things shorter and with the plans on tunnel from Borlaug to Bjøberg we will get eliminated ascend and save a lot of time. Eg believes we could save half annan hour against the alternative of Filefjell, says Ahlin.

he hoped the politicians endar in Hemsedal.

– This process has gone through so many around and quickly reach the same conclusion, so I calculates that the politicians are sensible and go for a recommendation to the Public Roads Administration, says Ahlin.

national politician Helge Orten (H) in the transport and communications committee will not conclude.

– Eg tek conclusion here noted. I feel that it is not very big difference in the cost / benefit berekningane. We have four tracks that crosses the mountains, so we must see the context.

– But can the health services their educational recommendation to the side when they for the second gong recommends Hemsedal?

– I do not want to conclude. Now I’ll carefully review the report and then we decide in the spring.


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