Saturday, September 3, 2016

FRP is moving in negotiations on more expensive diesel and petrol – Adresseavisen

The case is updated.

Jensen: – We are motorists partiID: 12874951Legger new image.

Oslo (NTB-Mats Rønning):

– We are, have been and will always be drivers’ party. We will continue to be concerned that the tax level in Norway will be down and not up, said Jensen NTB after a three hours long National Executive Committee Friday night.

– There is broad agreement in the county council if these two principles, and it makes it easier for us to carve out our strategies, she added.

Read also: Right-sources: – People can accept 50 cents more in fuel tax


National Board of FRP hit any decision relating to the civil proceedings if the green tax shift, but the issue of fuel tax and other vehicle taxes were thoroughly debated.

– the important for FRP is that motorists overall come out well of budgets. Motorists are paying big money to society, says Jensen.

She emphasizes that the forthcoming strategy seminars in the party were substantially during Friday’s meeting.

– We will first go into an election campaign as a government party. When it means a lot how to load up on election strategy towards 2017, she explains.

Also read: This means the arrow on the car’s fuel gauge

Until now, FRP had the handbrake on the issue of increased fuel taxes, but there are indications that the party is now set to drop slightly on the brake. For the party leadership was at least an objective before the meeting to acquire a greater leeway in negotiating the run.

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Progress was founded in 1973 as Anders Lange’s party for a strong reduction of taxes and government intervention. Since the beginning, the fight against taxes sat in the spine. In 1986 trips FRP government kåre willoch because it would increase the gasoline tax by 42 cents.

The problem is that the Liberals and Christian Democrats to now has stood steeply on the higher price of fossil fuels must be part of a green tax exchange. One possible solution is to let more expensive diesel and petrol offset by reductions in other vehicle taxes, as the annual fee.

– Overall I can say that we who live in the rural areas mean increased fuel taxes is a bad action from our point , said Harald county leader Eivind Bakke Oppland Aftenposten in advance of the meeting. He believes such measures must be compensated. County leader Frank Sve og Romsdal is built on the same and states to the newspaper that “the total package” will be essential.

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the government aims to agree with Left and Christian Democrats about a green tax shift in the state budget will be presented on October 6, but still standing parties far apart.


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