Thursday, August 4, 2016

- Utøya is AUF heart – NRK

– Dear Comrades, opened youth party leader, Mani Hussaini.

– Little did I know how much this place would mean for me. Utøya is almost like a best friend, continue AUF leader who was elected in 2014.

From the 3rd to the 7th of August collected AUF-ers from across the country to its second summer camp on Utøya after the terror in 2011. Over thousand youths are expected from across the country, and fraternal parties abroad.

Appeals to the labor movement

AUF ers gathered around the stage at Utøya to hear Mani Hussaini open summer camp for the second time after the Utøya terror in 2011.

Photo: Eva Marie Bulai / NRK

the requirement for the right to high school, gay marriage, one percent assistance to the world’s poorest, are the issues he highlighted the political impact for AUF.

– It has been Norwegian policy because AUF has been clear demands. Now we need to make new demands, said Hussaini. He also drew attention to the fight against climate as an important issue, there AUF will be “salted” affecting labor.

– Nobody in the world can stop us … Now you can clap, said AUF leader with a smile and summer camp claps.

the theme for this year’s summer camp is “We build the country for the future.”

– It’s the labor movement big project, he said to those in attendance .

LO -leader Gerd Kristiansen taking a quick trip back LOs own stand at the AUF summer camp.

Photo: Eva Marie Bulai / NRK

Criticising the government

Although waffles and Pokémon were mentioned politics at the center of the speech, and he uses this opportunity to criticize the government sharply .

the welfare state according Hussaini not project the government parties have taken part in.

– We have been to and they have been welcomed. In Norway and in Europe. It has always been, not fooled. They will downsize, privatize public goods and increase the difference between people, he said.

Youth party leader langer also out against government ministers:

– We have a labor minister who close their eyes when 135,000 without work, we have an Education Minister who privatizes, the integration minister who uses kindness as an insult, and a fisheries minister called Per Sandberg.

Memorial unveiled

Heim house stands clearly on Utøya. Youth from across the country should be able to get there to discuss and learn about extremism, and which values ​​were under attack.

First summer camp for NHO leader

NHO -leader Kristin Skogen Lund and LO leader Gerd Kristiansen shall Political quarters at summer camp. Here with AUF leader in the center.

Photo: Eva Marie Bulai / NRK

The first guests have arrived, among them NHO leader, Kristin Skogen Lund. It is the first time she visits AUF on Utøya. Unions, for their part already set up a stand at the Youth Party’s summer camp, and it is not the first time.

After AUF leader opening of summer camp was the turn of “Political Quarter” with NHO leader and LO manager, Gerd Kristiansen.

is the first time NHO leader is on Utøya. Here they come up from the boat.

Photo: Eva Marie Bulai / NRK


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