Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Several evacuated after tanker explosion – NRK

– There was a minor leak of ammonia on site. Therefore, people we evacuated people from Naustholmen, said operations manager Vegard Helgesen Riseth Nordland police.

The fire department created a safety zone of 300 meters around the industrial area just east of the village of Lovund.

The police were notified that a tank with herring waste by now Aquarius AS exploded in 9:42. It was reported that people have been injured, but there is damage to buildings, police said.

The tank destroyed

Police and health professionals on site after the explosion. A herring oil tank exploded at 9:30 o’clock at Naustholmen at Lovund in Lurøy. When it started to leak ammonia, were neighbors evacuated.

Photo: 03030-tipping

police are talking about damage to several million.

– the leak is closed and there is no further danger of more explosions. We are currently introducing crime scene investigation and interviewing witnesses and employees of the companies in the industrial area. The idea is completely destroyed and there is major damage to adjacent industrial buildings. Several have reported damage to windows and walls, he says to NRK.

The cause of the explosion is not yet known, but police have started investigation.

Sandberg had to cancel

The area remains blocked off. There should be no danger of more explosions. The sequence of events is unknown.

The top lid a 4,000 cubic large steel tank exploded Tuesday morning. Multiple windows are blown into other nearby buildings.

Photo: 03030-tipping

fisheries Per Sandberg (FRP) had to cancel his planned visit to a fishing business on Lovund after the tank with herring waste exploded.

Sandberg was Tuesday visiting businesses in Lurøy municipality and arrived at the site shortly after the explosion occurred.

– They had closed off the area and our visit in the area had to be canceled, says communication Halvard Wensel at the ministry said.

Exploded in 2012

it’s not the first time there is a tanker accident at the company Aquarius at Lovund. In 2012 t o welding workers bruised in an explosion while they perform welding on a 1,000 cubic meter large production tank for fish oil.

The explosion took place near a fish business.

Photo: Hermann Aasnes Mindrum


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