Saturday, August 6, 2016

Record amount of new rain in Oslo and Akershus: – Probably damages for tens of millions – VG

As a result of the rainstorm in Oslo on Saturday was chaos: Flooded basements, cars submerged, closed roads and halted train. This is probably damage to tens of millions, according to the insurance company If.

Huge amounts of water poured down over Oslo, Asker and Bærum area Saturday. On Bygdøy came 80.5 mm rainfall in 20 hours. This appears to be record high. In 2014 wrote the Norwegian Meteorological Institute that the highest daily precipitation in Oslo was 72.8 mm and was measured at Oslo on 27 June 2014.

– There are a lot of water. We have no capacity to verify if this is the record now. But it was 33.4 mm rainfall in Bygdoy between ten o’clock and eleven on Saturday. You can imagine how much water there is. It’s not often we see such rain stock quantities, said duty meteorologist at the Meteorological Institute, Kristian Gislefoss, VG.

Most precipitation arrived in Oslo, Akershus and parts of Buskerud. In Lier was measured 59 mm in 19 hours, and in Hokksund 44.2 mm. In Bærum, the corresponding figures 43.1 mm.

– I must make the proviso that these data have not yet been examined, specifies Gislefoss.

Wallpaper : E18 in Oslo is closed due to storm

& lt; p & gt; Bodies of Water: The fire  department ran & # xF8; increases & #  xE5; helping water away from E18 at Lysaker.  PHOTO: Tips & lt; / p & gt;

Bodies of Water: The fire department is trying to help the water away from E18 at Lysaker. PHOTO: Tip

Hundreds of insurance cases

meteorologist say they still see an unstable weather conditions in the coming days, but he doubts that these precipitation comes in.

But only Saturday’s storm created enough chaos: In Asker stopped all trains and basements were filled with water. Police and fire brigade had blasted capacity and asked motorists to leave your car unless it was absolutely necessary to run.

– There has been chaos in the whole day. Cars with water up to the ceiling. It’s the worst I’ve seen in 35 years, said general manager in Bærum crane service, Geir Holmlund, VG Saturday afternoon.

DNB insurance informs VG that they, just west of Oslo, have received over 100 messages from customers who have received damage to the property, and some car damage. Before the clock 14 on Saturday had Gjensidige received around 700 inquiries as a result of the storm. Also IF reports 250 inquiries during Saturday afternoon. Mainly we are talking about car damage and flooded cellars.

This year’s unstable summer weather is certainly not abnormal. Norwegians have too high expectations, said meteorologist Terje Alsvik Walløe at the Meteorological Institute of VG earlier this summer.

& lt; p & gt; CARS UNDER WATER: Many of the  injuries insurance panies have f & # xE5; tt  messages about revolves around cars that have been  damaged. Photo: KRISTER S & # xD8; RB &  # xD8; & lt; / p & gt;

CARS UNDER WATER: Many of the injuries insurance ventures have received messages about revolves around cars that have been damaged . Photo: KRISTER SØRBØ

This is just the tip of the iceberg, according to insurance companies.

– The extent of damage is much greater than we had thought and contemplation. Now it besides many houses are empty because people are on vacation, and therefore it goes longer than normal before we get registered all the damage, says Bjarne Aani Rysstad, communications manager at Gjensidige insurance, VG.

See also: July has been warmer than normal

Communication Sigmund Clementz at if insurance is even with the water up to her thighs when VG contacting him. This is because it has formed a large creek behind the houses in his neighborhood.

– There has been a tremendous demand today. Not only to If, but to all insurance companies are the long telephone queues. That’s because the storm has hit the most densely populated residential area. And this event is not over yet. We fear people from vacation come home to a real surprise, says Clementz.

See the pictures of the storm here.

Damages for tens of millions

he explains that the damage would have major economic consequences. If you get water in the basement, an average damage cost around 30000-50000 respectively. A case with a lot of water in the basement costs happily up to half a million.

– It’s too early to say how big the damage is, but it will probably damage for tens of millions. But what sum totaling we do not know yet.

& lt; p & gt; WATER FOR L & # xc5;  CLEAN: Kommunikasjonsr & # xE5; Adviser at  If, Sigmund Clementz, st & # xE5; r p &  # xE5; lawn next door - which it usually is t  & # xF8, rt grass. Photo: FRODE & # xA0;  HANSEN, VG & lt; / p & gt;

WATER FOR thigh: Communications in If, Sigmund Clementz, standing on the lawn next door – which it usually is dry grass. Photo: FRODE HANSEN, VG

The number of insurance damages caused by heavy rainfall has increased by 200 percent in a decade, according to figures from the Center for Climate and If.

– We must expect more such episodes of torrential rains in the future. It is part of the large climate-related image that we have to deal with. We see that weather damage more and more, and that’s why we work with the Centre for Climate Research, says Clementz.

The same says Rysstad in Gjensidige.

– This is an example of what we’re going to see more of in the years ahead. Very much rain in a short time gives big problems with infrastructure and housing. We work with climatologists, and we know that it will be much more torrential rains. The long-term trend is crystal clear, he said.

The higher the temperature is, the more water contains air masses, according to the Meteorological Institute.

Do you remember? Now comes “Petra”: These seminars port against floods

& lt; p class = & quot; caption-content &  quot; data-reactid = & quot; .1rxj082xoii.2.2. $     /=">FENOMEN: A twister  lashed Oslo during the violent rains & # xE6;  ret which hit the capital l & # xF8; rdag.  PHOTO: SVEND OLE KVILESJ & # xD8 ;,  SKYPIX.NO, NTB Scanpix & lt; / p & gt;

PHENOMENON: A twister lashed Oslo during the violent rains that hit the capital Saturday. PHOTO: SVEND OLE KVILESJØ, SKYPIX.NO, NTB Scanpix

stool not wedding

The fire department in Asker, Bærum and Oslo have not capacity to help all those who are reporting water in private cellars. People are asked to move cars and empty basements of values.

duty fire chief in Asker & amp; Bærum firefighters Anne Hjort, said Saturday afternoon that heavy rainfall has resulted in closed tunnels and basements full of water in many places.

– It is disturbing that we can not help everyone. We knew it was going to rain, and that drains our network can not withstand the biggest floods, but this we had not counted says Hjort VG.

& lt; p & gt; overflowed: This garden p  & # xE5; & # xD8; stlandet got to know p  & # xE5; rainfall & # xF8; rsmengdene.  Insurers lacking about many hundreds of homes  affected. PHOTO: KRISTER S & # xD8; RB &  # xD8 ;, NTB Scanpix & lt; / p & gt;

overflowed: This garden in eastern got to know the amount of precipitation. Insurers lacking about many hundreds of homes affected. PHOTO: KRISTER SØRBØ, NTB Scanpix

On E18 at Bygdøy stood traffic silent Saturday. VG has been in contact with Kristine and Steffen Kristoffersen who was heading to the wedding when the road was closed.

– The ceremony started at two o’clock. Of course it’s boring to be here now, but we hope we reach the party afterwards, says Steffen VG.

Steffen says that they have been stationary for more than two hours, but that they and motorists around trying to take it with humor.

– This is it little to do with, we cross bare fingers. Fortunately sleeping daughter in five months still in the back seat, he said.


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