Friday, August 12, 2016

One person confirmed dead in fire at Maloy – Aftenposten

NRK reports that smoke divers have found a dead person inside the apartment that burned in Måløy in Sogn og Fjordane.

– we have not yet verified that it is the missing man, and we will not get out before the autopsy over the weekend. We estimate that it is the missing, but could not say for certain until we have an identification, said sheriff Nils Bakke in Vågsøy.

The police was notified about the fire at 5:35 Thursday night. Operations Trond Hatlenes West police stated to TV 2 Friday morning that they had been in touch with a man who was inside the building, but they no longer had contact with them.

The police assume that the deceased is a the occupants of the apartment. The man in the 60s did not alone in the apartment, but the rest of the family was not home. Relatives are notified of the incident.

The police will not yet say little about the cause of fire.

– There are major burns, and we will probably not get carried out a proper investigation before the weekend, says Bakke . (© NTB)


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