Friday, August 12, 2016

NAUSTDAL-parents, moving from CPS – NRK

The situation around the couple in Naustdal in Sunnfjord and dei five small children deira has taken a dramatic turn. NRK can no telling about the whole family oppheld in danger their Heimland, Romania, and that they is not going eighteenth to Norway.

Parents are accused of empiric oppdragarvald .

Dei five children, where the youngest was a baby, lasted last November moved over fosterheim. In byrjinga June this year fekk dei ungane eighteenth after the decision of the county board for child care.

In the meantime, the Vore extensive protests against Norwegian child welfare both nationally and internationally. Saka in Naustdal lasted in various international media used as horror examples of choir easy it is to become fråtatt children in Norway.

Krast letter

NRK Vore in contact with parents who oppheld in Romania. They want not to be interviewed, but refers to EiT letter dei has send Naustdal municipality.

invaded : the father’s attorney, Ragnhild Torgersen, says that the child has Vore invade and not coveted family tranquility.

Photo: NRK

the letter’re coming with massive criticism against CPS. The parents also claim that the child’s dealings have Vore hinders the whole family and that the child has traumatized children deira.

Parents enter among other things that they have experienced child welfare as “unprofessional, empathy forlorn, umennskeleg and without ability to see the value of family and dei important band that is between parents and children “.

meiner children do best in Romania

parents believes children have developed in a positive helping medan dei has Vore on holiday in Romania.

in the letter enter dei among other things:

“During the work placement in Romania, we have seen progress and well being of our children. Here they could relax and feel confident that they do not should distinguish from each other and that they shall bu in the same city as us. No core abruptly and fetching dei and they stick sentry from family indefinitely. “

The children have self expressed joy that they do not to move eighteenth to Naustdal, it is stated also in the letter.

CPS rejects criticism

DISMISS CRITICISM: Councilman in Naustdal Øyvind Bang-Olsen believes CPS in Naustdal has dealing properly.

Photo: NRK

Councilman in Naustdal, Øyvind Bang Olsen, rejects criticism from parents.

– We enter into vitande that the family has moved from Naustdal and I have understanding that process has Vore challenging for them. But we are confident in their educational assessments we’ve done here, he says.

– How can you be confident in their educational assessments when the court ruled that the children should eighteenth to parents?

– We selected to conclude ein deal with parents in connection with the manageability of the county board. We did it on the basis of a judgment assume that it will be most skånsamt and the children’s best. This is an assessment that child protection filter must do.

– Is the most skånsamt for kids to take dei out of the home in månadasvis then submit dei back?

– This happens in many cases where one has acute location. When child welfare system is in such situations must dei on the one hand, safe kids. On the other hand, they are going to help parents on roads. These are very hard issues, he says.

Escaping not from criminal liability

The father’s attorney, Ragnhild Torgersen, says that parents during sommaren intend Much on whether they should move to Romania.

– When dei dei finally decided to move the Scaling of dei very bad experience they have with CPS in Naustdal, she says.

So dei flyttar not to avoid prosecution in Norway?

– no, by no means. In agreement with CPS was unambiguous clear that the child should have a back drawn and coordinating role within the family and various support agencies. But it did not care are over holding. Instead have dei Vore very invaded in the home and coveted family little peace and quiet, she says.

Will parents comet back to Norway to participate in just the matter?

– Yes, it will dei vary these.

– the parents are accused of having exercised violence modt kids. Is not it serious?

– Parents have erkjend punishment shoulders for parts of it that have Vore alleged against them. We have to be aware that the conditions they are shoulder have not applied ungane korkje brands or pain. Just what has Much to say for chorus serious ein indictment is, she says.

Chief Øyvind Bang Olsen denies that the child has “invaded” the family. He also rejects that the child should have gone beyond the agreement reached with the family from June this year.

Police Attorney Sissel Kleven wish not to comment on the case.


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