Tuesday, August 9, 2016

More want to resign as lay judges – NRK

– Firstly I would say that this is terrible. We have judges who do their civic duty. And then become stigmatized the way here it is just absolutely terrible, says 1. Appeal to Court of Appeal, Ola Dahl, adding:

– It has also meant that we have received phone calls from people sitting in a lay judge selection and wanting to withdraw.

After it became known that three men were acquitted of a gang rape in Hemsedal, social media has almost boiled over images, names and phone. Not only to the three men who were prosecuted, but also three of the lay judges who were to acquit the men.

Rescue judges

– They’ve become afraid. They think the course that they might be exposed to something similar. This will not be part of, says Dahl.

A majority of the Court of Appeal would judge the three men who were charged with gang rape of a 18 year old girl in 2014, but the majority was not big enough. Professional judges voted for conviction, but there were three of lay judges who voted for acquittal. And in so-called composite court required a majority of at least five.

Getting follow-up

NRK has been in contact with two of the lay judges. They do not want to be interviewed, but one talks about many hateful messages and messages on the answering machine.

– From what I’ve seen and experienced myself, so it is very rare that you get such situations, says security chief in Court of Appeal, Frode Wold.

– Has it happened before?

– not that I can think of here and now. It is clear there have been situations where we have prepared and talked with judges, but not where it has been so intense run as it has been for this thing here.

He would not comment on the specific case, but says the lay judges who are now experiencing proportionality and threats are followed up.

– I have been in contact with them and helped them a little. But I do not want to go specifically into what we have done. But as a court, it is important for us that the lay judges should be well taken care of when coming up in such situations, says Wold.

Make it more difficult to recruit

Now fears that this case will be devastating for the recruitment of judges.

– I believe this matter will be forgotten within not too long. But in many counties, there is a challenge to get filled this lay judge selection, and this will make it harder, says Dahl.


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