Wednesday, August 10, 2016

It should no longer be the slightest doubt about what kind of ideology Fahad Qureshi … –

In an hour-long video of Islam Net YouTube declares Fahad Qureshi jihad against what he calls “the international progressive sect.”

There are several of us who have challenged Qureshi on his ideological position and his mendacious presentation of themselves, both when it comes to “represent the true Islam” and that he represents the Muslims.

Shoaib Sultan. View more

We have said and meant that Qureshi and his ideology does not stand significantly from Daesh ideology. He is in the forefront of radicalization of young people, and contributes greatly to creating hostile attitudes among citizens in Norway.

Alexander Mousavi. View more

It is important to note that several of syriafarerne from Norway has been associated with Islam Net and environmental conditions. Qureshi, “You walk like a jihadist, talk like a jihadist, and you declare jihad as a jihadist,” and you get mad at us when we call you extremist?

do interesting that Qureshi thinks we belong to an “international progressive sect,” but we must recognize that this degree is correct. We belong to an “international sect” which includes more than 1.4 billion Muslims, and about five billion others, namely humanity. We are gathered in a sick and distorted belief that all people on earth, regardless of religion, background or skin color, can live together in mutual respect and harmony.

The quirky is that Qureshi start video viewing how upset he is over hateful and clergy comments in comment fields, and then it goes away at the “task” with the same hateful tone and clergy hersketeknikk. Towards the end of the video he encourages those who are unable to do anything to participate in comment fields, and add up to proportionality and hatred through these. Not that this is surprising for us who know lice on time and extremist on ideology.

Conservatism is not the problem, but that Qureshi has not intention to live a life of peace and peace, respect and tolerance for others. He will change society. He has previously denied this, and pretended that he recognized the social structure that we have. Now, this “clarification” video, he confirms our contention in their own words.

Both in a previous post and now in this video claiming Qureshi that he and his organization are not Salafists. Through both this answer and all other statements he has made so far, it is fair to say that Qureshi speaking as a Salafist, write as a Salafists, and his ideological stances within the salafistiske ideology. The fact that Qureshi claim otherwise now is in the best case a sign of an identity crisis.

When watch the video, you get a feeling that Qureshi in his monologue participate in a debate panel several participants. Here he argues with harsh words that “Islam will not change.” Soon after he is done with this, he says that “admittedly is not Islam so that it is square and nothing can change.” It is tempting to believe that he is struggling with a balancing act between two audiences: the Muslim communities he tries to appeal to, and the majority.

He also confirms what we said about the categorization of people, when he says that Muslims are better people than Jews, Christians and all others, he emphasizes powerful. The next statement is important and interesting, for here comes the qualification: one is better unless you do as Fahad Qureshi commands.

Interestingly admits Qureshi that his purpose in writing the chronicle of VG that triggered the whole debate was to curb criticism of Islam Net. This is an important indication that he actually just tried to discretion paint their extremist views to pack them into a little milder terms.

He is kjempesur on us because he thinks we destroy him, and because we continue to stamp him as extremist. That we do not, that he manages very nice though. He also believes that liberal Muslims and right-wing extremists were the only ones who disliked what he wrote. What kind of world and reality you live in, Qureshi?

Qureshi responds with well-known methods: He answers questions with questions, and attack opponents. Others have tried before, but proportionality, harassment and labels has meant that many can not bear anymore. Especially has this gone beyond women who tried. Neither harassment, lies, punches and labels will get us from standing over this settlement. For ultimately, this is about what kind of society we want to have in Norway.

The second Qureshi tries on this video is to fabricate an imaginary cult, and sell an idea, that a sectarian battle in Norway, and then mobilize to invite “the good Muslims” to the battlefield.

the truth is that many different faiths within Islam have had enough of Qureshis usurped the space as “true” representative of Muslims. This is not actually a sectarian struggle but a struggle against intolerance Qureshi and Islam Net stands for.

In the end of video and just before Qureshi declares jihad, he expresses very clearly and with their own words, a frustration that Muslims do not support him. That he stands alone for this, and that he has considered giving up, and so on. The question he must ask himself is whether that might not Muslims agree with him, and that is the real reason why he stands alone.

We are still in complete agreement with Qureshi on one thing, that he expresses clearly in the video: This is not a conflict that can be taken behind closed doors. That’s why we’ve driven this debate after his VG article, and we’re going to continue in the public space.

This video was very clarifying and opaque, and showing an extremist and a jihadist in action . It should dispel any doubts anyone might have about what kind of ideology we are talking about. Here dishes we also criticized the Norwegian media, which uncritically have used Qureshi, without challenging him. We also hope that the police in Romerike take this video into consideration next time to invite Qureshi to hold talks to prevent radicalization and extremism.

Finally we thank Fahad Qureshi for a very clarifying video, which made our work to prove what he stands for much easier. In return we will give him a three good advice video:

1. The combination of green and the quiet and somewhat gloomy music makes it hard not to fall asleep after only 6.5 minutes. 2. Qureshi have to work a great deal with facial expressions and play his. Sigh No and expression that he is sad and tired in different parts of the video were obviously badly directed. 3. Have a glass of water and take a sip now and then when you make such a long jihad video.

The text is a shortened version of a blog post on Shoaib Sultan and Alexander Mousavis blog.

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