Monday, August 1, 2016

Gathered at Utøya – Dagsavisen

– Our members now want to be on the island, said AUF leader Mani Hussaini.

Summer youth party had every year, but it was only last year they were ready to return to Utøya.

– Last year’s summer was historic in many ways, and a little more special, in that it was the first summer after the terrorist attack. We came back home. This is a continuation of that. This year we will care of our home, said AUF leader Mani Hussaini said.

As with last year is expected over 1000 participants.

– Last year there were many AUF members from that would be to show their support, but now they want to be on Utøya. I am pleased that we have so much support, said Hussaini.

– A friend in every county

From Wednesday 3 to Sunday 7 August, the small island in the Tyrifjord filled up of enthusiastic young people from throughout the country. Workshops, debates, football matches and concerts are on the program.

When Hussaini attended summer camp for the first time in 2007 he was in love with Utøya.

– To get to an island and become in love with it at first sight, does not happen very often. But it has happened to me and many others AUF-ers, he said.

– After five days of camp, you have seriously at least one friend in every county in Norway. There are not many places that can offer it. It could Utøya before 22 July. We were tried stopped, we left us and now we are back.


The theme for this year’s summer camp is “We build the country for the future” and Hussaini’m sure it gets many discussions about how one wants Norway to look in the future.

– the goal is to look ahead and discuss things not only our generation but also our children and grandchildren, can benefit from. Our goal is for the community we have today will be even stronger about 20 to 50 years, not weaker, as Right-side constantly argue.

Extremism has gained its own mail program, and Friday comes journalist Kadafi Zaman, journalist Øyvind Stream that both have good knowledge of the field and Yousef Bartho Assidiq, who were radicalized in 2009, before he got out of extremists’ grip.

There will be a panel discussion about extremism, which also Aps anniken huitfeldt participate.

– extremism trying to destroy every single day, that we experienced 22 July. It’s something our generation must manage and find political solutions, said AUF leader.

Should grille Minister

Hussaini look especially forward to seeing young AUF-ers grill parent party leader Jonas Gahr Støre in Ap, when he enters the pulpit on Utøya Friday morning.

– Without salt food does not taste good, they say. Without us being the policy of the Labor pretty boring, so I want to give AUF-ers the opportunity to engage in discussions with politicians as Minister, so they can be aware of it.

Other guests at this year’s camp Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, a number Ap-tops, former AUF leader Eskil Pedersen, comedian Harald Eia, actor Vilde Falch known from NRK series Shame and NHO leader and trade union leader.

Even whether there has been disagreement about how Utøya be used, it has to AUF never been an option not to use the island.

– Utøya will never be the same again. The island is a place where we all are going to commemorate our 69 killed comrades in every activity we do out there. (NTB)


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