Sunday, August 7, 2016

Flood Forecast in Western Norway – Bergens Tidende

meteorologist reports 70-100 millimeters of rain during the thirty-six hours. Now it issued flood warnings for parts of Western Norway.

Norwegian Water Resources and energy Directorate (NVE) has issued flood warnings for Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland and parts of Rogaland.

Monday and Tuesday there is a danger of flooding in western Norway, and NVE warns localized flooding, writes NTB .

the forecast is yellow, that is level 2 on a scale from 1 to 4, and implies that it is sometimes great risk of damage due to particularly intense rainfall or snowmelt.

– Sånt weather we associate with late autumn

the affected municipalities must generally be alert and implement preventive measures cleaning particularly vulnerable drainage pathways.

– From Monday night until Tuesday morning we expect between 70-100 millimeters of rain. This is the kind of weather that we associate with late autumn. In exposed areas may get 130 millimeters, said Geir Ottar Fagerlid, duty meteorologist at weather prediction in Western Norway.

Also the police asking people to take their precautions before the storm: – Time to clean drains and gutters and secure trampolining garden furniture, they write on Twitter.

gale on the coast

Most rain may come in areas that Stølsheimen and Folgefonna. Fagerlid points out that it is holiday time and that people in the mountains must be aware of the weather.

– There are western gale on shore and in the mountains gusts of 25 meters per second, says weatherman.

And snow it can also come, albeit over 1000 meters. There is a low pressure located Faroes that creates precipitation.

– It moves eastwards now and leads thus powerful onshore wind. In Bergen can expect gusts of 10 meters per second, around 70-100 millimeters of rain from the night to Tuesday morning.


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