Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Devastated brother’s house with tractors – doomed to move – VG

Two years after 55-year-old attacked his brother’s house in Etne with a tractor, he struck down neighbor woman at a mall. Now he is doomed to move from the municipality.

The ruling has its basis in a longtime family conflict, writes Beautiful weather.

In 2013, went 55-year-old loose on her brother’s residences in Etne with a tractor – while his brother, sister in law and nephew were inside the house.

the devastation was according to NRK punished with a year and two months imprisonment. He was also ordered not to have contact with her brother’s family for three years.

Two years later he met a neighbor woman on Etne center – and hit her right in the ground. For this he was of Haugaland District Court sentenced to imprisonment for two years and three months. The sentence also includes violence against the police.

After the incident at the mall, he also imposed a contact ban, which in practice means that he must move from the municipality.

defendant appealed the case. He thought that since he has his home in Etne, it’s a better solution that his family be equipped with security alarm.

– My client is very disagree with the decision of the District Court and believes that the court has the wrong facts to reason . The punishment that is meted out, strikes him in my view unnecessarily hard, says the man’s lawyer Anne hook VG.

– This municipality is his home, and he has no connection with anything else. Also his profession makes it very difficult to move to another municipality. We believe it would be enough with a regular visitation, she continues.

The appeal is now denied tabled in the Court of Appeal. The hook says they will look at whether it is possible to appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court.

– This is not a normal reaction as we see it. We will therefore look at the ruling and see if there is anything we can do to have the case reconsidered, she said.


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