Sunday, August 7, 2016

Base Hopper died after jumping in Romsdal – Aftenposten

Basejumper was first reported missing after the police was notified about the incident clock 12.12, NTB reported. Just after the clock 14 Sunday police said that the man is dead and extracted from the mountain area.

The country never

According to police in Oslo were two comrades who were jumping from Cat Hammaren.

– He jumped the first was pretty sure that his friend had jumped right after, but never landed where they had agreed. After 20 minutes he called us, said operations manager Jan Helge Cool in Nordmøre and Romsdal police told Aftenposten.

Both SeaKing rescue helicopter and ambulance were inserted and localized quickly hopper into the cliff. According to NTB he was found at 1000 meters altitude. The jumper was pronounced dead at the scene.

It is very steep terrain in the area.

Legal jumping

Cat Hammaren is a steep ledge in Eikesdal in Nesset municipality. According to police, it is not uncommon to drive base jumping in the area.

– It is allowed to jump in there and we know that it skipped from Cat Hammaren, said operations manager Jan Helge Cool.

The two parachutists in the 30s were both from abroad. Police would not go out with nationality before the relatives are notified, except that we are talking about a country outside Europe.

It is unclear how the weather was when the two base jumpers jump, but the helicopters had no trouble get to the place, police said.

Base Jumping is an extreme where it skipped from stationary heights, usually from the mountains, but also buildings and towers. The risk is considerably higher than skydiving from aircraft.

The word comes from the English abbreviation B.A.S.E. (Building, Antenna, Span, Earth), which refers to places where you can jump from.

The first base jump in Norway occurred in Trollveggen in Romsdalen in 1980. after several fatal accidents were a few years later forbidden to jump from Trollveggen. Trollveggen remains the only vertical wall in Norway with such a ban.

Popular locations for base jumping in Norway include Kjerag plateau (Rogaland), Karlskråtind, Vike Aksla, Cat hammer Flags Without and Gridsetskolten og Romsdal, Ford table mountain in North Trøndelag.

Sources: Great Norwegian Encyclopaedia,

– Popular base jumping spot

Head of BASE club Oslo Base, André Bach, told Aftenposten that Cat Hammaren is a popular place for base jumpers.

– It’s very familiar, people come from all over the world to jump there. Cat Hammaren is a very suitable place to jump from, because there is an impending wall with long freefall, says Bach.

He even base jumping for more than 20 years and usually visit Cat Hammaren annually.

– the drop than before

Base jump environment is small, but in recent years it has become popular to throw out from mountains and buildings with a parachute on your back, says Bach.

– today, many patients post videos online and in social media. Everyone knows where it is possible to jump, and it has become much more accessible to people than it was just ten years ago, says Bach.

He knows nothing of the accident who knows Sunday, but stressed that both very experienced jumpers and inexperienced could end up in accidents.

– in the videos people post it looks very easy, but it is important to remember that this is a risky sport. You can die from it, says Bach.

– This is extreme with their lives at stake


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