Monday, August 15, 2016

A good report on the role of the teacher – Education Association

An expert group appointed by Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen presented today the report “About the teacher’s role.”

– The report gives a good picture of lærerrollens historical development, pointing to the current challenges that I think many teachers and school administrators will recognize, say Education Association leader Steffen Handal.

From micromanagement support
expert group writes that the role of the teacher is “overloaded with expectations” and that teachers since the millennium to a greater extent than before been implementers of policy coming from above.

– There has been too much school development based on political shortsightedness instead of long-term professional development. Now it’s time to walk away from oversteer and micromanagement, nor support teachers to be teachers, says Handal.

– also need more efforts are directed towards teaching. It must be built strong professional community around what happens in actual teaching.

Profession Community
expert group provides a number of recommendations on how teacher education and research and development can contribute to strengthening the teacher’s role and how the teaching profession and the schools themselves can enhance their professional community.

– Here we stand ready to take a leadership role. Education Association represents 80-90 percent of all teachers and school managers, and we are keen to strengthen the profession, says Handal.

During the launch of the report drew Minister Røe Isaksen forward Education Association’s work with lærerprofesjonens ethical platform as an example of the strengthening of the role of the teacher. Another example of the expert group calls “professional construction inside” is the creation of

– Without a professionalization within will not professionalisation above, by politicians, have any effect. Here, politicians and employers support us. We must work together on the good school, says Handal.

Get and agreed targets
In the political sphere the expert group including that it should be established “few, good and agreed targets for the education sector” and that “teachers must feel that they have the education authorities full support “.

– Get and great goals that the entire sector is supporting, is important, said Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen during the press conference about the report.

– Now we will work on this together with the social partners, and it may provide a slightly different starting point for Norwegian schools than we have had until now, he said.

Debate on the report
Wednesday 17 August organizes the union debate “teacher’s role: What kind of teachers we need in the future?”, As part of Arendal the Week program.

There, the leader of the expert group, profesor Thomas Dahl, presenting the debate before it becomes political debate with kunskapsminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H), Trond Giske (Ap), Audun Lysbakken (SV) and Anders Tyvand (Krf) . Besides participating Silje Marie Bentzen (Director of Educator Students), Erling Lien Barlindhaug, (director of Education Division) and Steffen Handal.

# teacher role


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