Friday, July 8, 2016

Worst strawberries crisis ever will drive prices up – ABC News

– We have never seen before. It has never been so much damage to the berries as we have seen right now. We have lost about 40 percent of our plan strawberries on a national basis, and it has major consequences for manufacturers and anyone who sells berries, says Roger Utengen, category manager berries in Bama, said.

Also Agriculture Directorate has noted the problems, even if they can not confirm that it is as bad as Bama claims.

– it’s bad, that’s it, but there have been bad years before, says Lasse Erdal from market and price trends section said.

Price increase

the demand for strawberries is great all year round and summer are usually almost all Norwegian-produced strawberries sold.

– This is unexpected . Traditionally tend the price to go down now because of increased supply, but as it is now it will be enough probably a higher price, says Erdal.

Rest of the year covered the Norwegian demand of imports from abroad, and it is expected that one must import also in summer. This may not prevent the price increase.

– What has been imported from abroad is also quite expensive, whatever will such a big crop will lead to higher prices, says Erdal.

Manufacturers considering quitting

the first reports of trouble gråskimmelsoppen came from farmers in Agder and Rogaland area, where several farmers said they had lost over half of its production.

Strawberry Bonde Bjorn Arild Stea from Søgne Strawberries tells Fædrelandsvennen that they hired soil berry-pickers now must be used to weed out rotten berries.

– It’s just as expensive to pick rotten berries fresh berries. So this goes out hard over the economy, says Stea, who must take out loans to pay their workers.


Bama Rogaland has so far delivered 244 tonnes less berries from the same time last year.

in a message on Norwegian Bond Team website says that some producers have lost up to 95 percent of their crops.

– the situation is serious for individual producers who are affected by botrytis attack, and it will have consequences for the way we grow strawberries on in Norway if this is due resistance, says leader of the Norwegian Farmers ‘Union Lars Petter Bartnes message.

Farmers’ Association is now calling for, like several other compensation schemes also berries affected by fungal attack.

From before there compensation for berries affected by climate problems, such as frost.

See also: Violent growth in sales of fruit and vegetables

Do not know what to do

Norwegian strawberry production starts in the south, and that’s where gråskimmelsoppen has hit hardest so far. The fear is that the mushrooms have become resistant to plant means used.

– We do not know what to do. We are very interested in finding out what happens. The plants can become resistant, and we have seen abroad. The industry must figure this out together, saying Utengen.

Norway opened in 2014 for the import of frozen strawberry plants from abroad, which increased production drastically. Sceptics feared, however, that plants could bring with them diseases from abroad.

Gråskimmelsopp frames however strawberry production every year, and the fungus thrives additional well under humid conditions. It is seen as the disease that causes the greatest damage to strawberry crops, and can be passed from rotten to fresh berries.

According to Agriculture Directorate varies greatly on the basis of type of berries and geographical location where the disease affects the most.

See also: Norwegian strawberries are pigs expensive – so you will not waste


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