Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Underwater Hunter got halibut at 94 kilograms – Bergens Tidende

Børje Møster took beast on 94 kg of ten meters.

yesterday hijacked Børje Møster from Radoy what he describes as dream fish in Lofoten.

halibut was 94 kilograms and 190 centimeters long. Underwater hunter spotted the giant halibut having been in the sea for around an hour.

– I tried to keep my nerves under control when I saw the wheat, says Møster.

He has spent days at a searching for halibut.

– Being freediver is something I love to do. When I saw the halibut ten meters deep, I thought ‘yes, this is the dream fish of all, “says Møster.


– Did not get carried away

He was out diving with his friend Michael BYO.

– There was poor visibility, and ten degrees in the sea. We swam with harpoon-gun that was connected to a catch buoy on the surface. When I saw the halibut, I had to go up to the surface to rest and get your nerves under control, says Pattern.

Underwater hunter says it’s important to stay calm because the increased pulse makes it harder to hold their breath.

– I planned how I would approach the fish and got control of myself, so I was emotionally carried away. There were strong currents in the sea, so I had to work to keep me in the same place, so I came too far away from the fish, says Møster.

– A like halibut has been my dream for many years .


Møster says he collected thoughts on the surface and dive down into the depths again, determined to approach the fish diagonally behind.

– I approached from the back side where the brain is, so I shot the arrow from two feet away and straight into the brains of halibut. The curled, says Pattern.

– Smiled from ear to ear

When he knew he had hit the jackpot.

– It had swum away at full speed if it had just been injured, he said.

Møster began to swim toward the surface with halibut. The heavy fish was almost weightless in the water, he said.

– I was very pleased, it was a very special and strong feeling. I was present in the moment and thought only of securing the catch, tells Møster.

When he arrived at the top, he got in touch with dive buddy BYO.

– I shouted at Michael . When he came over, he smiled from ear to ear.


Michael looked at the fish and guessed it was around 100 kg.

– I thought it was difficult to judge there and then, I have never been involved in such a big halibut before. Now, it will be distributed round to friends and acquaintances. There are local foods for many mouths, says the pleased underwater hunter.


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