Friday, July 8, 2016

Requires new cuts in corporation tax – OBI Online

Despite the fact that Parliament has just signed a tax agreement on a new tax rate of 23 percent by 2018, taking the Conservative fiscal spokesman Svein Flåtten called for a new tax policy debate, writes DN.

– When the British finance minister after brexitavstemmingen has announced that the corporation tax in the UK will be cut to 15 percent, both the parliament and the government take this signal seriously. If such a large and important neighboring conducting this, rules of the game changed, says tick.

He believes the initiative is not in conflict with the tax settlement, rather the contrary. A formulation adopted by Parliament, call for consideration of further reductions in the light of international developments. The tick fear that businesses might move from Norway to the UK if nothing is done.

– There are good arguments for a small country like Norway with an open economy, at least on a line or any time during other countries in terms of the level of business taxation, said tick.

Asked about how low corporate tax should be, he will not put any percentage.

– I only note that tax committee that reported tax reform actually proposed a tax rate of 20 percent. The government proposed 22 percent and Parliamentary compromise was 23 percent, but at the same time, we created a form of safety valve. We decided that we must follow the international trend and especially in neighboring countries, says Flåtten to Dn.


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