Friday, July 15, 2016

NPRA with new mapping solution – Vesterålen Online

According to Bodil Rønning Dreyer, Acting Director of Roads in NPRA, summer is high season for various forms of roadworks on, at and around Norwegian roads.

– The reason is that there is generally less traffic during holiday weeks and thus easier to make necessary road and asphalt work, says Dreyer said in a statement.

New mapping solution

According to NPRA can now easily get an overview of where and when it should happen roadworks and where there may be congestion and delays.

– On our new maps solution and route planning Vegvesen Traffic, you get a complete overview of traffic, roadworks and reduced accessibility. Also planned upcoming roadworks and traffic regulations is built, says Dreyer.

Save time

The new map solution contains, according to NPRA, also a route planner, where you can enter destinations. Here, distance, travel times and current traffic report on the stretch coming up.

– Take the time to check Vegvesen Traffic When planning your next car journey. It can save you time and unforeseen irritations once you’re on the road, says Dreyer.


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