Monday, July 11, 2016

Long queues on E18 after traffic accident – NRK

The clock 17.45 there were still long queues at E18 between Vestfold and Telemark, after a traffic accident at the gangplank bridge Monday afternoon. The road was opened for normal traffic 16.30.

It was after a collision between a truck and a caravan, just before 14.00 on Monday that the queues began to form up.

both lanes were blocked off after the accident, which led to stagnant queues in both directions from Larvik in Vestfold to Moheim Telemark.

Traffic was eventually released through the gangplank at Porsgrunn, but also there was the traffic problems because of heavy traffic.

The time 14.45 was recovery services in place at the accident site and the cleanup efforts. But almost one hour later, at 15.40, it was reported that the E18 at the gangplank bridge was still closed.

It should have been serious material damage as a result of the accident, but none were seriously injured.

the driver of the truck was taken to hospital in Skien with minor injuries in an arm.

It was long queues also on detour road through the gangplank. Here at the store gangplank Mat.

Photo: Silje Vestengen


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