Saturday, July 9, 2016

International network of burglars arrested – NRK

Gains Group of the Oslo police, in cooperation with Europol field an extensive international network of burglars.

So far, 105 arrested. 29 of them are made in Malaysia and 76 in Europe.

– Several of those arrested are traffickers in a highly organized network with headquarters in England, said police superintendent Morten Drægni, who is Head of the skimming and ID theft in Oslo police.

Besides Malaysia has the investigation been conducted in 14 European countries. The network, which police called one day shoppers have used fake credit cards to buy supplies to nearly 47 million kroner in Norway and Europe.

Then, members go back to England to sell the goods, according to Europol . In campaigns it has been found in total 3000 copied credit cards, several fake passports, jewelry and cash.

– There are also taken down two illegal production sites for credit cards in Malaysia, says Morten Drægni in oslo police .

Background for Norway’s cooperation with Europol is Vinningland group arrests of six British nationals in Oslo last December. The British traded clocks for hundreds of thousands of crowns on copied credit card.

– Together with Europol we found out that this has been going on in several European countries and we have helped further the cooperation that has resulted in arrests, said Morten Drægni.


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