Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Adult couple dismissed after notification of sex on the church steps – NRK

Staff at Alesund Church called Tuesday to police when an adult couple were a nuisance.

The older couple had claimed the employees of church sex on the church steps.

– The couple was not naked, but it was more than petting to speak, said operations in the police, Sindre Molnes.

the police were nearby and come out to church. When they arrived there were pastoral moment over, but they got chatting to the couple who were still in place.

– They acknowledge not having sex, but they admitted that they had klina bit, so it was a big spirk what reports had experienced and what they acknowledged, says Molnes.

the couple were expelled from the church and getting no reaction from the police afterwards. But police advise people to take pastoral moment in places that are not a nuisance to others.


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