Saturday, July 9, 2016

22-year old dies after explosion in zoo – Aftenposten

LATEST: – The life of the injured was not to save and he was pronounced dead in hospital in Arendal, said operations manager police, Martin Ugland, to Fedrelandsvennen clock 16.15.

According to police the deceased being a male seasonal workers in their twenties from Slovakia.

it was at 09.37 on Saturday that police reported an accident in the zoo.

According to police, it should have been an explosion in a grill that has caused the damages. The accident happened before opening time, which is 10:00 am.

two other associates were sent to the emergency room for a check.

Operations Sverre Birkeland Agder Police informed after the accident that the Labour Inspectorate is notified.

  • the zoo has informed that they will do their procedures. We now have a technician in place that examines the accident site. Pr. Now we do not know what has gone wrong, says Birkeland.

The accident must have occurred in Captain Sabertooth world.

– The accident occurred at the area called Pirate BBQ, says managing director of the zoo, Per Arnstein Aamodt, to Fædrelandsvennen.

the police have cordoned off the area where the grill exploded.



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