Thursday, June 9, 2016

When Paul saw what was moving under the glacier, it went cold down his back – TV 2

Kielland is lecturer at the museum in Fjærland, and took the picture above while he was on tour with a school class.

A group of tourists had passed several warning signs and physical barriers. When the avalanche took the pictures and climbed on the snow which has fallen down from Boyabreen.

– What you see at the bottom of the image are remnants of avalanches, both winter and this summer. It can breed ice and snow down from the glacier anytime, he says TV 2.

– The glacier is constantly moving. With proper bad luck comes an avalanche from the top at 1200 meters. These tourists are around 150 meters above sea level. Then it is over a thousand meters vertical drop, he said.

It was Firda who first publicized case.

– You get your heart in your throat and most want to turn away, say Kielland said.

Does not seem to move

Kielland said the tourists in the picture has gone past roadblocks and signs that are not to be misunderstood. It is not illegal to go there, but not wisely.

– The public right applies, so no one can deny anyone to go anywhere. But it comes to knowing what is dangerous, says Kielland, which states that most tourists respects alerts about seeing the glacier from a safe distance.

HUGE LOTS: the tourists are barely possible to make out by the avalanche. If new accumulations of Boyabreen, as seen at the top of the picture, they may come from up to 1,000 meters altitude and directly down on tourists. Photo: Pål Gran Kielland

– It is absolutely typical. Breen is just there, it does not seem to move. It also thought the two German tourists who died at Nigardsbreen in 2014, he said.

A German couple killed in August 2014 when they were taking pictures Nigardsbreen Luster. After a guided tour, they chose to continue on their own. They walked past some roadblocks, when large blocks of ice slid from the glacier and hit them.

Security Dugnad

The couple’s two children aged eight and ten years witnessed the fatal accident.

– After this accident put local forces at the most popular glaciers a volunteer with the police, local authorities, National Park Administration, Norwegian Nature and tourism industry where it was set up roadblocks and warning signs to info more tourists about the dangers of the glacier, says Kielland.

– Other hazards are rock falls from the overlying rock faces, and suddenly floodwater that breaks out of the glacier, he said.

Warning signs showing with clear black and white symbol on a yellow background that it is dangerous to go past the barriers.

– It is not possible to avoid seeing this information, says Kielland, which encourages tourists to follow directions and see glaciers from a safe distance.


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