Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Thus the Parliamentary asylum-slalom – Dagsavisen

– We are pleased that we vote for the Erna and Sylvi has presented. We would not have had more support for the parliamentary majority is opposed to if we put on an enclosed back room and negotiating a settlement. It was out of the question for us to relinquish austerity measures that the country needs, says the head of the municipal committee of the Parliament, Helge André Njåstad in FRP.

– Many believe there are fewer cutbacks because FRP stands on its primary stances?

– There are tightening, says Njåstad.

Support of Labor and Sp

yesterday, the municipal committee of the Parliament presented its recommendation on proposals for tightening Norwegian asylum policy.

Here it became clear that the Government together with labor and Sp in several of the most controversial issues: Ap and Sp supports the government’s legislative changes to government support for Labor and Sps frames notices.

This includes the:

Rejection at the border with neighboring Nordic countries in crisis.

Affiliation Requirements for the right to family reunification.

Requirements about self sufficiency to get permanent residency.

Ap and Sp has also received approval for that you can not refer asylum seekers to family reunification in refugee camps, that there shall be an income limit in matters of self-sufficiency and that there shall be made except where reasonable.

– Labor and the government has entered into real compromise. This proves that we have not been as rectangular as some have accused us of being, says Njåstad.

– But does not the government thus agreed more liberal proposal, which FRP warned?

– we ensured that there was support for the amendment, and as we have said all along: When there was a majority of the strictest, we support the next best secondarily in notes, explaining Njåstad.

Labor is pleased with the setting, and believe they have been stopped government proposal that had no effect on asylum flow.

– We experience that our approach and balance is safeguarded, says Labour’s Helga Pedersen.

– have Ap gotten more impact than it would have been a settlement?

– We have not got any alternative on the table, so it is difficult to answer, she said.

taps cases

the government goes on pure loss for some suggestions. There is no majority for:

Temporary residence for unaccompanied minors under 16 years old.

Raising the residence requirement from 3 to 5 years before receiving a permanent residence.

Requirement for three years’ employment or education and income requirements over 300,000, before one can apply for family reunification.

Introduce a distinction between refugees and foreigners who are granted residence on other grounds.

To raise the residence requirement is a specific point in Nydalen Agreement between the governing parties and the center. Yet yesterday KrF and Left opposed because they believe the government has already challenged Nydalen agreement with its proposed austerity measures.

– I note that this is one of the cases where we get less tightening policy, says Njåstad.

The game is not over

All the excitement is not over : There is still the possibility that the parties turns on some issues when proposals be voted on in parliament hall.

in Progress flew ask one question about Ap and Q will continue to support SV proposal to inside the quick processing cases of asylum seekers who should get the grant. In setting the proposal majority against the government.

– Faster grant is a positive signal that could create a “pull” effect, and we must be cautious with that kind of signals. I hope it’s a work accident as Ap exits on Friday, saying Njåstad.

In Ap hopes are subsidiary support for proposals to introduce a requirement that families can apply for reunification three months after a reference person receives a residence without subsistence crash. After three months it will be called a subsistence requirements (income requirements – the ability to provide for the applicant, editor.).

– If the government does not vote our proposal, it becomes less tightening of family reunification, says Pedersen.

– We have not analyzed the setting entirely. Group meeting Wednesday must decide what we support subsidiary and whether we shall make solving suggestions. I think it is an exercise that several party should do this week, says Njåstad.

Better with conciliation

Liberal André Skjelstad satisfied with the Liberals’ approval, but believes that the Parliament will adopt is too fragmented.

– What do you think about that Ap and Sp ensures government majority in several suggestions?

– We have not had any deal with anyone, but all the time meant that the best is a broad compromise. I think it would have been possible if we in March had been in the same place in the conversations that we were in June. But it did not. Then it becomes fragmented, and not the totality we hoped for. When we are unable to get a comprehensive package becomes slalom, he said.


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