Monday, June 13, 2016

Terror Screened 42 years old: – I have been the victim of a plan against Krekar – NRK

Italian police believe 42-year-old, who was arrested in November, has been one of Krekar’s supporters in the alleged terrorist network Rawt. PST mean the network in the short term intends to commit terrorist acts in Europe.

The reason for the charges is that the 42-year-old visited Krekar repeatedly in Kongsvinger prison. In court he refers Krekar consistently as “mamosta” (teacher, journalist.’s Note.) And says he has had contact with Krekar in around 10 years because their families know each other.

The man stands completely puzzled that Rawt, as of Krekar described as an ideological platform for a democratic party in northern Iraq, in reality, an international terrorist network.

– I look at suspicions that a mistake. Neither here nor in Kurdistan, I have had problems with anyone. In my opinion there is something that Norwegian police and Italian police are behind, to send Krekar out of the country. When others have been victims of this, says 42-year-old, who wishes to remain anonymous.

Italian prosecutors believe Mullah Krekar is the mastermind of a European terrorist network. Krekar said there is talk about thoughts he has had for a democratic party in northern Iraq.

Photo: Martin HW Zondag / NRK

Contact with “principal”

The extensive case against Krekar started when Italian police launched an investigation against a 37 year old Iraqi Kurd in Italy in 2011. They revealed then that the man regularly visited a website with content inspired by Al Qaeda.

This was the beginning of the revelation of the Italian police believe is a network comprised mainly of ethnic Kurds, with cells in several European countries. In addition to contact with Krekar, has 42-year-old resident of Drammen also met 37-year-old on two occasions.

The first time was when 42-year-old let 37-year-old live with it in connection that Krekar’s supporters organized a demonstration against Koran burning in March 2012.

disagree : the atmosphere was good when 42-year-old defender, Solveig Kristine Høgtun, greets the police officer Geir Øvstedal in PST. The two are still very disagree about facts of the case in court.

Photo: Åserud, Lise / NTB scanpix

– must receive guests

42-year-old from Drammen claims it was norskkurderen Makwana Karim who put him in contact with the man from Italy. Karim is also charged by Italian police, but can not be extradited because he is a Norwegian citizen. In an interview with NRK says Karim, who will later testify that he only knows Krekar because he is a journalist.

42-year-old claims it was only Islamic hospitality that made him opened their home for 37 -year-old from Italy.

– I did not know him before, and would like to say something about us Muslims: the door to our house is open for other Muslims. I go somewhere, I go not in hotels. It’s something we learn in Islam. We are obliged to let a guest stay with us for three days, says 42-year-old.

The Italians have partly tapped a telephone conversation between the two in May 2012. It discusses the two inter how to “work for the movement and make it strong,” according to the summary police attorney Signe Aalling reads aloud in court.

42-year-old denies that Rawt is a network and believes there is only talk about ways to practice Islam on.

– Here it is not about Rawt. It’s about practicing religion and pray, and that we must continue with it, says 42-year-old.

Makwana Karim is one of three people arrested in Norway in November 2015. Here he interviews Mullah Krekar in 2008.

Photo: Private / NRK

– Orphans

in 2014, he visited also 37-year-old in connection with a trip to Italy.

– I visited him for two reasons: the first reason was that I needed to rest. The other was that he had visited me, and I would visit him back. We talked about ordinary things, says 42-year-old.

Italian prosecutors believe the man from Drammen also discussed the transfer of funds with 37-year-old, and claims this is related to Rawt. It denies man the strongest, and believes there was talk about charity.

– I talked about orphans who have no money or support. If I encourage someone to help orphans or widows, it is a criminal offense? There is no money to terror.

Mulla Krekar defends greet PST police attorney Signe Aalling.

Photo: Åserud, Lise / NTB scanpix

Responds to translations

Before the break Monday read police prosecutor in PST Signe Alling up parts of the Italian investigation documents that make up the case against Krekar, Makwana Karim and 42-year-old.

Some of the content concerned bugged conversations from Krekar’s prison cell at Kongsvinger, where Krekar spoke of suicide bombings in Norway.

Krekar’s lawyer Brynjar Meling responds that the calls are not played back in court and that PST only presents the summary that has been through several rounds of translation. Police Attorney Aalling admitted to NRK that the summaries do not give the whole picture of the talks.

42-year-old defender Solveig Kristine Høgtun expressed the same concern in court Monday. She has previously described the role of her client as “peripheral” that he should not have been indicted in the case.

– This is just an opportunity to get something on me. I have visited the man in Italy, I have visited Krekar. Then connect this together, and it’s wrong. I have not done anything, and would not even about me such a network, if it existed, said 42-year-old Monday.

Facts about Krekar and the Italian investigation

* Italian terrorpoliti claims that Mullah Krekar is the leader of a new terrorist organization with connections to the Islamic state (iS).

* They claim 38-year-old with Krekar has planned “covert operations” in Kurdistan, disguised as humanitarian aid. Italians believe it is revealed that he was involved in kidnappings and extortion by politicians in the Kurdish areas of Iraq.

* The November 11 ended Italian terrorpoliti action “JWeb” or “Jihad on web”, the the alleged terrorist group “Rawti SHAX.”

* Mullah Krekar was arrested after Italian police charged him with terrorist plots. He is suspected of being the leader of 16 other Kurdish Iraqis and Kosovo Albanians who were all arrested in Europe.

* Ten people have been arrested in northern Italy and the UK, three people have been arrested in Norway, while four are arrested in Finland and Switzerland.

* in 2012 Mullah Krekar questioned by German police in the same case without leading to anything. In this case was also Makwana Karim as a witness.

When Brynjar Lia, a former researcher was a researcher at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, was expert in a Krekar trial in 2012, he called Rawti SHAX a “revolutionary underground movement in Iraqi and Iranian Kurdistan “which Krekar eventually intended to do to” an operational, armed group. “

* Rawti SHAX ‘goal will be to overthrow the current government in Iraq and replace it with a caliphate ruled by sharia law, according to Italian prosecutors.

* Krekar have described Rawti SHAX as a form of ideological platform, which will form the framework for a democratic party sometime in the future.

* Anti-Terrorism police in Italy said on his part that they know of 15 cases where the Iraqi Kurds are sent into battle in Syria and Iraq through Krekar network.

* they also believe Rawti SHAX communicated via internet and assisted with logistics and financial support for recruiting foreign fighters.

* Krekar, whose real name is Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, was born on 7 July 1956 came to Norway as a quota refugee in 1991. Until 2002 he led the rebel group Ansar al-Islam in northern Iraq.

* Makwana Karim (38) came to Norway as a humanitarian refugee in 1999. He is from the town Penjwen in Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdish regjonen of northern Iraq. Karim denies that he is part of a network, and says to NRK that he only works as a journalist.

* In addition to Krekar and Karim was also a 42 year old Iraqi national living in Drammen arrested. The man refuses to be part of a terrorist network. It has not succeeded NRK to get in touch with the man’s lawyer, Solveig Kristine Høgtun.

Sources: NRK / NTB


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