Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Terror Screened 39 years old: – I negotiated to get Krekar out of Norway – NRK

– One of Krekar’s wish was to return to Kurdistan. He asked me what I could do, and asked in that regard that I brought his bid for President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani. I was only a messenger, saying Makwana Karim (39).

Along with Krekar and a 42-year-old from Drammen, he was arrested in November last year. The reason is that Italian police believe Mullah Krekar is the leader of an international terrorist network called “Rawti SHAX” and that Karim has been one of Krekar’s supporters.

On Thursday Oslo District Court to decide whether Krekar and 42-year-old Drammen may be disclosed to Italy on the basis of the charges.

Karim can not be extradited because he is a Norwegian citizen. In a lengthy interview with NRK rejects Karim accusations from Italian police, pointing out that he only is a journalist who has interviewed Krekar.

Makwana Karim (39) stands completely understand why he should be part of an international terrorist network, such Italian police claim.

Photo: Martin HW Zondag / NRK

Krekar calls

Mullah Krekar was adopted deported from Norway in February 2003 for the sake of national security. The Supreme Court confirmed in 2007 by the decision is valid. Nevertheless, the notorious mullah still in Norway, in spite of determined attempts at extradition to Iraq.

Former State Secretary in the Ministry of Justice Pål Lønseth said last year that despite years of negotiations, has been no movement when regards the main issue of the case: if the Iraqi government can guarantee Krekar’s safety if he returned.

in February last year, also wrote several media that Krekar’s brother, Khalid Faraj Ahmed, has been in contact with Kurdish authorities to obtain a guarantee that it is safe to for the mullah to return. So far, no luck.

2012 published several media including BBC, this image of Makwana Karim and Mullah Krekar, taken from Karim’s own Facebook profile. Karim says he does not regret having posted the picture, which should have been taken in connection with an interview with Krekar.

Photo: Private / Makwana Karim Facebook profile

– I was a messenger

Several sources with knowledge of the Kurdish community NRK has been in contact with in connection with the recent past, points out that accused terrorist Makwana Karim has made similar trips to the Kurdish areas of northern Iraq.

Karim admits to NRK that he too was in Northern Iraq in 2011 and 2012, to talk with the president of the Kurdish part of Iraq, Masoud Barzani, about a possible Krekar -return.

– Kurdistan is also Mullah Krekar their country, and it is natural that he would return there. I like Krekar, he is a man with great skills, a Kurdish philosopher. He does not deserve to be treated like this, to be held in prison.

It has not been possible to verify the information from Kurdish sources.

In connection with trips to northern Iraq, Karim also agreed to be interviewed by Kurdish TV:

– Little difference on agent and journalist

the talks came according to Karim initiative of Krekar brother, Khalid Faraj Ahmed. Sources with knowledge of the Kurdish community in Norway says to NRK that Karim periods should have good contact with Krekar’s brother.

A discrepancy in the period after trips to northern Iraq shall, however, have led to the socket was broken , which Karim yourself confirms to NRK.

Brynjar Meling says he is aware that there has been informal discussions about a possible return for Krekar.

Photo: Stig Jaarvik / NRK

he added that he does not know what happened to the negotiations he was part of.

– I do not know what that happened on. It was not my job to have such a meeting. I just wanted to help, says Karim field.

– Do you see that it can be problematic for you as a journalist involves you on behalf of Krekar?

– In our culture, it’s to be a journalist most of contacts. There is very little difference between being a journalist and being agent. I had good communication with many, this is the price I must pay for it. Norwegian authorities could have used me in this way, to negotiate, instead of putting me in jail, says Karim.

– Krekar must be part of a deal

Mullah Krekar have stated several times that he wants to return to northern Iraq, if safe. Krekar’s lawyer Brynjar Meling told NRK that he is aware that it has previously been ongoing informal conversations between people in Krekar’s entourage and local authorities about Krekar’s opportunities to travel back to the area.

– For various reasons, I not go on that. What I can say is that there is a possibility return to the present and previous governments have not attempted to use, says Meling, and elaborates.

– For the sake of an agreement extradition Krekar, it is important that Krekar is on the team. It has so far not tried, says Meling.

It is known that since 2014 has been ongoing talks on the civil level between Italian and Norwegian governments Mullah Krekar. Italians, according to Aftenposten have been in dialogue about a possible transfer for Krekar.

Court of Appeal revoked in March last year the police decision to forcibly settle Mullah Krekar in Kyrksæterøra Sor-Trondelag. Krekar is now released, pending the Oslo District Court in June to treat extradition request from the Italian authorities.

Collect on trial

NRK has been in contact with the Police Security Service (PST) to get a comment on this matter. Oslo District Court will Thursday decide whether Krekar and 42-year-old from Drammen may be disclosed to Italy.

– Italian authorities have requested that Mullah Krekar be transferred for prosecution in Italy, as part of a larger complex they have investigated for several years. The assistance same applies 42-year-old, who they believe is part of this, said police attorney Signe Aalling PST to NRK.

The Norwegian authorities have formally denied the extradition request against Karim, because he is a Norwegian citizen . In documents sent from PST to court in connection with the extradition proceedings against Krekar and 42-year-old from Drammen, writes PST following about Karim: “Any acquisition of further investigation against him will be clarified by the Italian authorities at a later date.”

– the Italian government is aware that he is Italian citizen and can not be disclosed. Beyond that I have no comment, saying Aalling.

Facts about Krekar and the Italian investigation

* Italian terrorpoliti claims that Mullah Krekar is the leader of a new terrorist organization with connections to the Islamic state (iS).

* They claim 38-year-old with Krekar has planned “covert operations” in Kurdistan, disguised as humanitarian aid. Italians believe it is revealed that he was involved in kidnappings and extortion by politicians in the Kurdish areas of Iraq.

* The November 11 ended Italian terrorpoliti action “JWeb” or “Jihad on web”, the the alleged terrorist group “Rawti SHAX.”

* Mullah Krekar was arrested after Italian police charged him with terrorist plots. He is suspected of being the leader of 16 other Kurdish Iraqis and Kosovo Albanians who were all arrested in Europe.

* Ten people have been arrested in northern Italy and the UK, three people have been arrested in Norway, while four are arrested in Finland and Switzerland.

* in 2012 Mullah Krekar questioned by German police in the same case without leading to anything. In this case was also Makwana Karim as a witness.

When Brynjar Lia, a former researcher was a researcher at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, was expert in a Krekar trial in 2012, he called Rawti SHAX a “revolutionary underground movement in Iraqi and Iranian Kurdistan “which Krekar eventually intended to do to” an operational, armed group. “

* Rawti SHAX ‘goal will be to overthrow the current government in Iraq and replace it with a caliphate ruled by sharia law, according to Italian prosecutors.

* Krekar have described Rawti SHAX as a form of ideological platform, which will form the framework for a democratic party sometime in the future.

* Anti-Terrorism police in Italy said on his part that they know of 15 cases where the Iraqi Kurds are sent into battle in Syria and Iraq through Krekar network.

* they also believe Rawti SHAX communicated via internet and assisted with logistics and financial support for recruiting foreign fighters.

* Krekar, whose real name is Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, was born on 7 July 1956 came to Norway as a quota refugee in 1991. Until 2002 he led the rebel group Ansar al-Islam in northern Iraq.

* Makwana Karim (38) came to Norway as a humanitarian refugee in 1999. He is from the town Penjwen in Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdish regjonen of northern Iraq. Karim denies that he is part of a network, and says to NRK that he only works as a journalist.

* In addition to Krekar and Karim was also a 42 year old Iraqi national living in Drammen arrested. The man refuses to be part of a terrorist network. It has not succeeded NRK to get in touch with the man’s lawyer, Solveig Kristine Høgtun.

Sources: NRK / NTB


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