Tuesday, June 14, 2016

PST: Krekar imposed restrictions after smuggled note from jail – NRK

Extradition case against Mullah Krekar and a 42 year old Iraqi citizen continues in Oslo District Court on Tuesday. Both Krekar and 42-year-old denies that Rawt is a terrorist organization, as PST and Italian prosecutors claim.

Actual denies both that Rawt is an organization at all.

Krekar has explained that Rawt is intended as an ideological platform for a democratic party in northern Iraq, and has also published a 70-page document in which he proposes a framework for the movement.

– Rawt is neither an organization, a group or a weapon. It’s not about politics. I repeat what was said earlier: Rawt is me and I am Rawt, said Krekar, when he gave evidence.

Sent message from prison

Krekar defender Brynjar Meling has sued police superintendent PST Geir Øvstedal as a witness to testify about the investigation.

He explained that Swiss investigation of Krekar claims to have seen traces of Rawt network back to 2003. Meanwhile believed Øvstedal it’s hard to say why Norwegian PST has taken over the investigation, such Meling has advocated.

– Others must respond concretely to the assessments and decisions made around it. It is a mixture of suspicion basis, of evidence and other things. I will not speculate what lies behind such decisions by prosecutors, said Øvstedal.

In court Tuesday told Øvstedal also about seizures resulted in Krekar’s apartment when he was arrested in 2012, and visits Krekar has received while he later served in Kongsvinger prison.

These were long carried the usual way, but after an incident on 7 August it was decided that the visits should take place using a glass wall.

– How was it until Krekar sent a note out with a visitor, which was published on a website called Durbeen. Correctional Services was made aware of this, and from August 7 was carried glass wall and physical separation of the prison, saying Øvstedal in court.

Mulla Krekar released from Kongsvinger prison on 25 January 2015.

Photo: Braastad, Audun / NTB scanpix

Do Krekar controlled from prison

Italian prosecutors believe Krekar continued to steer its network of Kongsvinger prison after commencing incarcerated in March 2012.

– It was a decision, or publication of Mullah Krekar. It has not been part of rettsamodningen but relate only to the process of the glass wall. The patch has not we, but we have a copy, said Øvstedal in court.

tag, or announcement, talked Krekar himself as “emir of Rawt.” Emir is a noble historical title in Islamic nations and is often used to mean leader.

NRK has also previously been made aware of the relevant notification, where Krekar including discussing the conflict between Sunnis – and Shiites.

Mulla Krekar defender Brynjar Meling is critical of the Italian investigation of his client.

Photo: Åserud, Lise / NTB scanpix

Meling: – Called not emir

tag gave Krekar according PST indicated that his followers would not listen to orders from two people while Krekar imprisoned. These two individuals was a British citizen who was arrested in connection with the campaign against Krekar’s network, in addition to the Fredrikstad man Makwana Karim.

Police Attorney in PST, Signe Aalling would not comment on the note that was sent from prison and says it was only mentioned in connection with the restrictions in prison.

Defender Brynjar Meling said Krekar disagree that he has made such a message from prison.

– the patch was delivered to a family member who was not aware that he did something wrong. Krekar is also disagree that he has used the term “emir,” says Meling told NRK.

42 -year-old defender Solveig Høgtun greets police superintendent PST Geir Øvstedal.

Photo: Åserud, Lise / NTB scanpix

– Rawt is a school of thought

Makwana Karim was like Krekar and the 42-year old citizen resident in Drammen arrested in November last year. Karim has in an interview with NRK claimed that he only knows Krekar through his work as a journalist.

Friday testified Karim in court and related that he visited Krekar repeatedly in Kongsvinger prison. Karim explains that he periods has collaborated with Krekar about lectures on Paltalk.

Karim says that he spoke with Krekar about Rawt but not perceived it as an active organization.

– I’ve talked to him about it. I have been told that there is a school of thought, not an organization. I think it’s a little weird to say it’s a movement. “Mamosta” (teacher, journ.anm.) Has a thought he would pass on to people, says Karim in court.

– Would not connected to Rawt

39-year-old is still charged with being part of Krekar’s alleged terror network, but can not be extradited because he is a Norwegian citizen.

In court Tuesday told Karim that he reacted negatively when he learned about Krekar’s alleged grant from prison.

– Krekar know I personally think it was not good to send such letters. I was an independent journalist, so I did not understand why he sent that letter and connected me to Rawt. Others believed that I spoke on behalf of “mamosta.” That was not true, says Karim.


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