Thursday, June 16, 2016

Oslo lawyer arrested after tape-disclosure – VG

Lawyer Amir Mirmotahari (38) were Thursday arrested and charged after VG Wednesday published an audio recording of a conversation between lawyer and a torpedo.

Mirmotahari sitting Thursday afternoon during interrogation at police headquarters in Oslo with his attorney Anders Brosveet after VG recording disclosure.

– the interrogation is just started. The lawyer met at the police station with his attorney, says Stein Olav Bredli in Oslo police to VG 14 times.

VG reveals: The lawyer and torpedo

Meanwhile ransack the police 38-year-old office and residence.

– I can confirm that we ransack the home and work, says Bredli VG.

the lawyer is charged with having influenced actors the judiciary under especially aggravating circumstances.

on Wednesday evening, VG published an audio recording of a conversation between lawyer and a torpedo. In the audio recording asks the lawyer torpedo to dope down or kidnap a rape victim. The goal was to keep her off the court – so that his client went free.

& lt; p & gt; ACTION: Police investigate  & # xF8; ker car attorney Amir Mirmotahari  outside his residence in B & # xE6; rum. &  lt; / p & gt;

ACTION: Police investigating car attorney Amir Mirmotahari outside his home in Bærum.

Photo: Tore Kristiansen

Exits practice

After VG published sound recording contacted public prosecutor Jørn Maurud management of the Oslo police. He asked the police to start an investigation right away.

– The police are continuing with various investigative steps. I do not want to say anything more detailed about this, says Bredli.

Earlier today announced Mirmotahari that he quit his practice with immediate effect.

“I see that I have acted in a manner that is likely to harm lawyer profession’s reputation, and will therefore discontinue my law practice with immediate effect, “writes the defense lawyer said in a statement sent to VG.

” I understand that footage rebel all who hear them. What I am saying in the conversation is very offensive to the women in question and I apologize for, “writes Mirmotahari statement said.

The lawyer has constantly claimed that the footage is taken out of context.


in the statement, he claims that they are “made by a criminal in the purpose of using them to blackmail me and my family, “but writes that” it is totally unacceptable for a lawyer to have such a conversation with a violent criminal. “

the police have started investigation of the case, and the Supervisory Council for legal Practice has opened a supervision. A number of key Justice politicians have also responded to VG disclosure about Oslo lawyer.

Mirmotahari started the law firm Pharos in 2008, and is the firm’s owner, board chairman and general manager. The medium-sized law firm has seven employees and offices on the fourth floor of an apartment building in central Oslo with exclusive Hotel Bristol next door.


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