Monday, June 27, 2016

Oslo lawyer Amir Mirmotahari charged with drug smuggling – NRK

Lawyer Amir Mirmotahari, as Friday was released by the Court of Appeal, before he was again arrested by the police, is now also charged under drug laws, newspaper VG reports.

Police suspect he has on several occasions smuggled drugs into inmates in Norwegian prisons.

Police Attorney Christian Hatlo Oslo Police would not go into to VG how many times they believe drug smuggling into inmates happened, or where large quantities of drugs they believe it is.

at least one prisoner according to the newspaper contacted the police to tell about drug trafficking. It should be completed more questioning.

Refuse culpability

Mirmotahari was charged under quirky shared aggravating circumstances to have tried to have opposed the judiciary. This after VG almost two weeks ago wrote that he in an audio recording discussing the possibility of abducting rape victim in a criminal case.

He denies guilt for everything.

Marathon The hearing in Oslo District Court lasted for over six hours, first Tuesday, the court make an order in the detention issue. Mirmotahari held in jail until the ruling exists, newspaper VG reports.

Closed doors

Hatlo petitioned closed doors when Mirmotahari again was prepared for custody Monday after he was arrested again in Sarpsborg prison before the weekend.

Mirmotaharis lawyer, Anders Brosveet, had no objections to the petition, and after a brief pause took court prosecutor’s request to follow.

the court’s rationale is that the investigation is in an initial phase, and that it will harm the investigation if information about the case come out. The court also believes that it is important that the police will rest on the investigation.

the lawyer told NRK: – This is a set-up


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