Saturday, June 11, 2016

Krekar compares his political vision with Christian Democrats –

(Dagbladet): – Rawti is a vision, just a vision.

It said Mullah Krekar in court when he would describe the PST believes is a terrorist organization. He was so engaged that he sometimes let into Norwegian.

Mullah Krekar is accused of terrorism planning, and suspected of being the leader of the organization Rawti SHAX, which according to the Italian authorities had plans terror attacks in Europe. Oslo District Court is now processing an extradition request from the Italian authorities, who entered the court of PST.

Islamic party

Kreger presented in court a lengthy historical account of how political parties developed in Europe from liberal ideas from the 1200s to the 1500s, and further development by the enlightenment and the French revolution in 1789.

– the political and liberal parties in Europe have this background, says Krekar, who then compares his idea Rawti with Christian parties in Europe, including the Christian Democratic Party in Norway.

– It is formed Christian political parties. Among other Krf in Norway or other Christian parties in Europe, says Krekar.

Krekar says he will form a basis for an Islamic political party, which is opposed to IS and the caliphate. He says he is opposed to terror.

– I’m talking about Islam. You have a Christian background, I have an Islamic background, which I will provide the political basis for, says Krekar.

– Not an organization

Organisation, bearing the names ” Rawti SHAX “or” Didi Nwe “, were according to Italian police built on the remains of Krekar’s former organization, Ansar al-Islam, who in the early 2000s was in ruins after Krekar and several other members were prosecuted, and financing plunged.

– It is not an organization. It is an idea that people gather around. Whether intelligent people from the university or the common people on the street, says Krekar.

• Read all about Krekar’s alleged terrorist network here, and on about how he possibly could extradited from Norway here.

Italian authorities believe that “Rawti SHAX “has an open side and a hidden side. PST told Dagbladet that the organization was involved in politics in the open, and terror in secret.

– It is only an assertion. What I have on the heart, people see in the open light. Whether it’s friends or enemies, it does not matter. I have not been raised so that I have an enemy hiding side and a friendly open side, says Krekar.

Not responsible for others’ statements

Krekar says his vision Rawti SHAX, can not compared with other salafistiske or jihadist directions. The directions he finds himself not in, he said.

He says that he has written manifesto for Rawti direction. But the PST and Italian authorities call this a terrorist organization or an organization with plans attacks against Europe, is wrong.

Krekar is clearly upset when he talks about the man from Italy who started investigation and is now sentenced to six years in prison for terrorism. PST has said that Krekar could have been sentenced to 10 years in prison for terrorist associations under Norwegian law.

Krekar says that one can not become a member of Rawti, because it is not an organization.

He also says that if other people are arrested and charged in the case say they are members, and that he himself is head of the organization, it is wrong. He can not take responsibility for others who allegedly being a member of the organization has talked about weapons.

– Rawti is no more than a manifesto. I am Rawti and Rawti is me, says Krekar.

Innovative ideas

Lars Gule, who in court to talk about Islamic constitutional law, said that Krekar has created an innovative direction within the Salafi movement.

Gule says Krekar now have a desire to get involved politically, something many Salafists not believe is possible for Islam. Krekar says he only has visions of Kurdistan in northern Iraq, where he wants a change of power by means of what he calls democratic processes.

– What is the point of his is that we have different periods of history within religion had what begins as a broad mind and some reflections. Christianity, for example, has a specific shape, and when it is a wide wide flow. But then one begins also within religion to get the development of democracy and different political directions. When this happens, scheduling it to the French Revolution. When have Christians to decide whether they want to establish political parties, says Gold, who says Krekar now believe it is possible within Islam to form parties on Islamic grounds.


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