Monday, June 13, 2016

Krekar according PST: – Norwegians are so cowardly that it should only be a suicide bomber … –

(Dagbladet): Monday morning continues Oslo District Court treatment of PST’s extradition request of Mullah Krekar to Italy. Today PST ask out Krekar.

Krekar has been charged by Italian authorities for terrorist planning and to have been the leader of a terrorist organization called “Rawti SHAX.” Italian police believe the network has financed the jihad in Iraq and Syria.

A piece out in the questioning, asking Signe Aalling from PST for admission from Kongsvinger prison and about Krekar recognize what should have been said there .

In footage from Kongsvinger prison states that Krekar will burn the Norwegian flag, constitution and then Parliament, says Aalling from PST. She asks him if he also recognize calls to bomb Kongsvinger prison.

– I think this is fabricated. I think that here I refer to what people have said, says Krekar.

– This is banal

PST think that Krekar was impatient to jail. It has previously been reported that Krekar should have wanted to push Norwegian authorities to release him.

According to documents from the Italian police will Krekar have said in prison that the government has no right to be stricter with him if “people outside get an idea of ​​making a bomb and explode in front of the prison.” Aalling confronted him in court with this information.

– I’m saying that this is banal. It’s just talk. It’s possible I have used an example and that it cut and pasted. It is possible that we have been talking about a person who claims to be brave, says Krekar.

Aalling says it appears the summary of recordings that “Norwegians do not bow to pressure for something they will not do.”

– So you are saying that they are so cowardly that it should only be a martyr, a suicide bomber in order to scare the nation. Do you recognize this? asks Aalling.

– I do not remember this. You say this is the middle of a conversation. There must be something before and after this, says Krekar.

Do not know what is being said

PST refers the trial for a summary of recordings, written by Italian authorities, translated into English. Aalling admits in court that the questions and referencing “is disjointed.” Krekar reacts even several times on this.

Krekar’s lawyer, reacts well.

– This could have been avoided if all parties in the case could have heard recordings. The court decided that all parties should hear the recordings, but PST appealed the decision to the Court of Appeal, which gave PST claim that the footage would lie with them, says Brynjar Meling told Dagbladet.

– I allow myself to ask the question: one is served by providing insight if one wants to clarify the case, or is PST best served by keeping it as really being said in footage hidden? The answer is self, says Meling.

Compared to its vision with KrF

Krekar says that “Rawti SHAX” is a basis for a political platform of Kurdistan in northern Iraq, and that there is not yet any political party or organization. He denies having planned terrorist and says PST misunderstood.

In court on Friday, he compared his manifesto and vision behind Rawti SHAX with political Christian parties in Europe, such as the Christian Democratic Party in Norway.

He also stated that dictatorial mindset is Islam’s illness, and that he himself respects human rights and that his “Rawti SHAX” was a platform to implement a change of power in Kurdistan using democratic processes.

Brynjar Meling, Krekar’s lawyer, said in court last week that conditions for extradition are not present. Dagbladet he elaborates by saying that if the indictment of Italian authorities ends in a prosecution, so must the trial go for Norwegian court where “terror king” sits.

– If there were such that he was a leader in an organization, the case must go to Norway, where this alleged terror king sits. Not in Italy, says Meling told Dagbladet.

– The dastardly must stay away

In a buggy from Kongsvinger prison on 2 September 2012, Krekar according PST more clearly that one should keep the ” cowardly from the organization. ”

– You think this is a terrorist network, while Krekar believes the organization is a political idea. What do PST about it?

– We do not dispute that there is a political idea. But evidence shows that they have been doing politics in the open, and with terror in secret, saying Aalling Dagbladet.

• Read all about Krekar’s alleged terrorist network here, and on about how he may you extradited from Norway here.

Krekar has written a manifesto called Rawt, who will serve as a program to develop a democratic salafistisk party that can participate politically in Kurdistan. Krekar says the program was adopted officially in 2015.

– There is a new reading manner of religious texts, adapted a new fair, said Krekar in court Friday.

Read Dagbladet report Iraq: – There are few Kurds who takes Mullah Krekar particularly serious.


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