Monday, May 23, 2016

Proposes permanent toll to remove cars from the new E18 – VG

Akershus politicians trying to leave with the MDG-Lan and the Oslo city council on a new E18 at the toll also can be used as a permanent measure to restrict vehicular traffic . Lan is not dismissive.

The proposal is an attempt to solve the difficult negotiations on the multi-billion dollar Dutch treat “Oslo Package 3″ for new road and public transport projects in Oslo and Akershus.

VG know that negotiations on the transfer package that now goes into overtime, still is slow.

But before the next meeting on Wednesday has Akershus delegation with County Mayor Anette Solli (H) at the helm, suggested that road charges may be used as if necessary permanent instrument to regulate traffic at the nation’s busiest stretch of road, in addition to funding for public transport and road projects.

Easier to swallow new E18?

this is an attempt to make a new E18 westwards from Oslo to Asker easier to swallow for Oslo city council and Oslo’s main negotiator, environment commissioner Lan Marie Berg Nguyen (MDGs), according to dealers from Akershus.

& lt; p & gt; N & # xD8; DUTGANG?  Environment & # xF8; bid & # xE5; d Lan  Marie Nguyen Berg (MDG) in Oslo, looking for after  an initial p & # xE5; the p & # xE5; g  & # xE5; negotiations on the new E18 and Oslo  Package 3 with state and Akershus. & lt; / p & gt;

NØDUTGANG? Environment Commissioner Lan Marie Nguyen Berg (MDG) in Oslo, looking for after an exit on the ongoing negotiations on the new E18 and Oslo Package 3 with state and Akershus.

Photo: Therese Alice True VG

Bergs base has been both to stop plans for a new E18 and prevent a new E18 gets a traffic growth into Oslo.

See also: Want maximum price of 75 kroner toll booth

Now try Akershus dealers to provide the Oslo city council and Berg an outstretched hand with a tool that can limit traffic growth. And a tool that can be used for the foreseeable future regardless of when road and rail projects are repaid by tolls.

A lot of the problems with getting a solution, probably caused by statements that the Green Party came with VG and other media before and after the local elections last fall:

– we have said that we can not sit in a city council that builds out E18, said Lan Marie Nguyen Berg VG on 20 October last year .

Read here: MDG-Lan threatens to leave Labor Raymond if E18 developed

Now try Akershus politicians to get Lan and Oslo City Council with Chief Commissioner Raymond Johansen (Ap) at the head to accept a new E18, by providing the opportunity to slow traffic growth.

See also: Government: not applicable to negotiate away new E18

Can be permanent toll

– Yes, this is an outstretched hand, a constructive suggestion for to be able to control traffic in the toll booth in the future, said county mayor Anette Solli (H) in Oslo VG.

& lt; p & gt; WITH HEAVY HEART: Fylkesordf  & # xF8; leads in Akershus Anette Solli (H)  says that it was hard for her as H & # xF8;  swarm politician & # xE5; say yes to that  permanent toll-collection can be used as an  instrument for cuts in traffic p & # xE5; a  new E18. & lt; / p & gt;

WITH HEAVY HEART County Governor of Akershus Anette Solli (H) says that it was hard for her as Right -politiker to say yes to that permanent toll-collection can be used as an instrument for cuts in traffic on a new E18.

Photo: Haakon Mosvold Larsen NTB scanpix

When the new projects are completed and repaid, the ambition is that booms be abandoned.

“Still want Negotiation not exclude the possibility to regulate traffic through a kind of road-payment in the future, “writes Akershus delegation in its proposed solution to the E18-tangle.

They will have a formulation in the final agreement which Parliament urged to change the law so that road users pay, or tolls “can be used as a permanent instrument for traffic control if it needs it.”

Set deep

Anette Solli (H) admits it sat deep inside her as Conservative politician to agree to a formulation which opens to reduce car traffic by tolls.

– it must be emphasized that this is a measure that applies only to the toll booth in Oslo, and not elsewhere, says Solli.

Lan positive

environment Commissioner Lan Marie Nguyen Berg writes in an sms VG that she is a fan of road-payment to reduce car traffic.

– It is positive that Akershus as I understand it now allows for permanent toll on E18. We are too. From Oslo is concerned that the road capacity into town should not increase and that the cost of the project must come down. It is illogical to first spend 40 billion to increase the capacity of the road, which then will be so expensive to run that people opt out of the car. There is still a way to go, but I have faith that we will reach an agreement, writes Berg.

– Are you away from your goal of not building new E18 ?

– No, the city council is clear that the E18 is now planned is an old-fashioned project. The project has grown to become twice as expensive, and such plans lies today they will increase road capacity to Oslo. It is not a development that councils parties want for Oslo, that already have major problems with air pollution and lack of space in the city streets, says the environmental Commissioner.

– Can Lan Marie Nguyen Berg be seated as environment commissioner in Oslo with a contract which involves a new E18 prevented?

– Commissioner platform is clear that we will not increase the road capacity to Oslo, and it is my starting point for negotiations. We have a broad majority behind us in Oslo City Council who asked that E18 plans should be scaled down. There is no doubt that the negotiations are difficult, but I feel that we are on a constructive track and have faith that we shall be able to agree, writes Lan Marie Nguyen Berg in his answer.

Akershus open wallet

in addition to the ability to allow road-payment limit car density in Oslo, also proposes Akershus delegation that Sophies pay a larger share (10 percent) of new interlocking system on the subway and a quarter of the cost of the new subway tunnel between Majorstuen and Bryn.

Director Solveig Schytz (V) in the transport committee in Akershus, believe that it is beginning to approach an agreement on the new E18 and the other measures in Oslo Package 3.

– Now there is not a possibility in the legislation to take road-payment without the toll to go to a specific transport project. Therefore we want it in the agreement states that the Parliament encouraged to make an amendment allowing for that one can introduce such permanent road-payment in order to limit traffic, says Schytz.

She is an optimist with a view to Oslo City Council and Akershus soon agree on a deal.

Schytz’m sure Oslo politicians Noting that Akershus also offering to take a larger share of the costs in both new subway tunnel and a new alarm and interlocking on the subway.


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