Tuesday, May 10, 2016

KrF and Labor will have freight terminal at Hordnes forests Rådalen – Bergens Tidende

Members of two of the three councils parties deselect Arna and Åsane as the location for a new freight terminal.

There is a large majority of adding the new freight terminal to Hordnes forests Rådalen among the members of the Labor Party and Christian Democratic Party in Bergen. It became clear when the two councils parties Tuesday night had meetings to present their recommendations.

At its meeting of Labor in Bergen was Rådalen option selected by 79 against 13 votes. A little earlier on Tuesday evening had members Bergen KrF also advocated Rådalen with 32 to ten votes.

The options were Haukås in Åsane and Unneland in Arna.

– Strong opinions

Leader of the Labor Party in Bergen, Hallgeir Utne Hatlevik, was eager to see how the Board’s proposal would be received by the members. Several who took the floor on Aps meeting discussed freight terminal case as a choice between several evils, between plague or cholera and similar.

– There are strong opinions here. Especially Ap Fana has been critical of the choice of solution. But we got great support for our recommendation and has given a clear advice to City Council group, says Hatlevik, which also boasted a good debate going on cause, not the person.

– It has been a long process. Now it’s up to the city council – and transport ministry, he adds.

In May 2014 gave the Ministry of Transport Rail Administration commissioned to study the future of so-called “logistikknutepunkt” in the Houston area. The reason was that the freight terminal at Nygårdstangen not have the capacity to meet the expected and desired growth in freight transport by rail.

“A further growth in freight volumes requires either be implemented in the existing terminal, or the establishment of one or more new terminals in the Houston area, in addition to or instead of the current terminal, “said in the letter of assignment.

the report was submitted in December 2015 and pointed Unneland in Arna and Hordnes Forest / Rådalen Fana as appropriate localities.

Bergen municipality’s plan agency set however in March 2016 that Haukås in Åsane is the best location. The city council and the city council will consider the application before it is submitted any submission from the community.

In June first committees give their recommendation on the matter, then it should be up to City council in mid-month.

Prioritizes residential areas

in the statement that Labor in Bergen adopted in 21.30 o’clock Tuesday evening, states that the Labour Party looks challenges with every proposed option, but that Rådalen is recommended.

“in the choice between destroying districts and take homes from many people and destroying a forest and recreation area, prioritize Labor interests of established residential areas, “the statement said.

The members requires the establishment of new Wildland and hiking trails, the terminal located most gently and the new road system will as little strain on the surrounding area as possible.


“the least worst”

in the statement from Bergen KrF states that option in Rådalen is “the least worst option. ” The party stressed that freight terminal must provide the least possible negative impact on the local environment and outdoor interests, “but believes that this is releasably with the conditions that emerge in the matter.”

– It was a good and factual debate. All generated torques their but when the vote came, it was 32 to ten, leader of Bergen KrF, Terje Gilje. He says that the ten representatives who voted against Rådalen mainly came from Fana KrF.

– As a leader I understand it, it only makes sense.

Members of the Bergen KrF coming formally a recommendation to its City council group. It is not binding, but Gilje said to BT earlier Tuesday that it would be difficult for the council politicians are not listening to his own party.

– The decision has a very great weight, he said.

Ministry determines

Thursday it is known where the city council believes the terminal should be. Considering that labor is six times larger than the Christian Democrats and the Liberals, there is reason to believe that the Supervisory outlook will weigh very heavily when Bergen municipality shall give its response on a new freight terminal.

National Rail fell on a shared setting between Unneland and Rådalen, while the discipline rate in Bergen has recommended Haukås in Åsane.

Left has landed on adding freight terminal somewhere else, namely land that is set aside for a second runway at the airport .

the final decision on where the freight terminal will be located there Ministry taking. Bergen municipality sends its response in June, after the city council has adopted what they mean.

Will double check options

The statements were approved Tuesday night asking members of the Labor Party and Christian Democratic Party in Bergen reconsideration of options and concepts that were filtered out at an early stage and that they believe are not sufficiently investigated. Referring inter alia to caverns.

– We ask the ministry take a spin on the screened options, since there has been a lot of noise around it, from shore to BT.

– Here is Ap and KrF coordinated, states Hatlevik.

members of both councils parties also went on to add new cargo port at Ågotnes.

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