Friday, April 22, 2016

UNN received extraordinary assistance from a fighter from the defense – NRK

An F-16 aircraft from defense to assist the University Hospital of Northern Norway during a lifesaving mission this month.

– The hurried so much that we probably would not have managed without fighters transport. It was absolutely necessary for individual patient, says clinic manager at heart / lung clinic at the University Hospital, Kristian Bartnes.

Clinic Director by heart / lung clinic at the University Hospital, Kristian Bartnes, says UNN appreciated the help from the defense.

Photo: Petter Power / NRK

338-skadronen lined up when a patient needed lifesaving equipment in Tromso. Adresseavisen, which first publicized case, writes that fighter spent 40 minutes from the received request from St. Olav’s Hospital in Trondheim about the situation they were in the air. 25 minutes later they landed in California, and got sent further transport with an ambulance.

– They transported one ECMO machine, a machine that is used to treat people with severe heart / lung disease, says clinic manager.

UNN has one such portable machine, the only one in Northern Norway. But really special for this particular day was that both this and a desktop was busy, and thus they had to seek help further south.

– We understood that this was a machine that was absolutely necessary at the time, and there were no other ways to get the equipment sufficiently fast forward than to use fighters, says Bartnes.

Squadron Chief Bjørge Kleppe by Ørlandet main airbase is glad that the defense could contribute.

Photo: Brett Yttrehus / NRK

– First time

Squadron Chief Bjørge Kleppe by Ørlandet main airbase says it was just coincidence that they could help. 338 Squadron was namely the tour to go for exercise at Rygge airport.

– We had a plane that was ready with the proper equipment, so we made it with only a few minor adjustments, says Kleppe NRK .

There were two F16 aircraft that would fly south. Instead, it was a detour on one of the planes.

– The pilot flew via Bodo, loaded the machine that would northward while the engine is still going on, and then he flew on to Rygge. He arrived two hours too late there, but it did not matter.

Kleppe says it’s nice to be able to contribute in a positive way in the civil society, it is something the defense greatly appreciated.

– It was a bit special, but very nice. I’ve been in the Air Force for 20 years, but this is the first time I’ve been in that an F-16 aircraft has helped in this way.

Grateful for the help

Bartnes stressing that this was absolutely extraordinary.

– It was a special situation that the two we have in use. It is unlikely that a similar situation will occur with any particular frequency.

Still, he says that they always have military resources in mind the extraordinary situations.

– I really appreciate collaboration. They asked really up to the patient, and I want to express gratitude for that, it was very valuable, he said.

– The machine arrived on time.


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