Saturday, April 16, 2016

Thus ended welfare demonstrations worldwide –

STRYN / BERLIN / NEW YORK (Dagbladet): The story of a Norwegian-Romanian couple who were stripped of all her five children by child welfare has aroused involvement in many parts of the world.

Five months after the Norwegian child welfare authorities intervened, it was Saturday announced demonstrations against the Norwegian child welfare services in 63 cities in 20 different countries. The family belongs to the Pentecostal church, which may help to explain the large mobilization in several countries.

– Tragic

In Stryn was the Norwegian-Romanian couple present with more than 300 protesters, but participated even in the demonstration.

They wanted neither to comment Saturday demonstrations to Dagbladet or other Norwegian media, on the advice of their lawyer. But several close family members, that we have chosen to anonymize the sake of the children, said that they appreciate the overwhelming support. Family members say they hope to “changes in the system.”

– Did not know it was so bad

A working to increase pressure on the Norwegian government, the US attorney Mike Donnelly, who recently became aware of the case of the Norwegian-Romanian family. He traveled from the US to Stryn in Norway’s honor to participate in Saturday’s demonstration.

– I came here to participate in what has become an international demonstration, says Donnelly, adding:

– there are hundreds of people who have turned up here, but there are dozens, if not hundreds of thousands protesting worldwide.

He took enough little too hard in.

No one in Berlin. Five in Warsaw

In Berlin there namely no to the announced demonstration. In Warsaw stood five women with small protest posters in hands. In New York met 70 Romanian-Americans up. Whilst it was relatively large demonstrations in several places in Romania, Italy and Australia, and pictures family supporters have posted wiser hundreds of protesters in several of the aforementioned objects.

In Oslo met some hundred demonstrators up Outside the Parliament. Under slogans like “Send the kids home now” and “CPS = Gestapo” they showed their opposition to child protection. Many of the protesters were even parents who have been deprived of their children by child welfare services.

In New York it was all arranged by pastors Levi Marian from First Romanian Baptist Church in New York and Daniel Grecu in Romanian Pentacostal Church, and most of the protesters belonged to religious communities.

– Norway no longer a safe place to be a Christian

– This case is about religious persecution of a Christian family. Norway is no longer a safe place to be a Christian, says Marian Dagbladet where he stands among protesters on the street 38 floors below the Norwegian consulate offices in Midtown.

Around him waving Romanian flags and posters condemning the Norwegian CPS with slogans like “CPS = Family Destroyer.”

Admits Having given rice

The parents are charged nurturer violence. If they are being prosecuted are decided in the spring. In a magazine interview with BBC, admits children’s mother to have given the children rice.

– It did not happen every time they had done something wrong, but sometimes, says his mother.

– But the law in Norway is very clear, right down to the smallest detail. It is not allowed any kind of physical correction. We have never been aware that this is so strictly, says his mother.

The couple has gotten her youngest child back, but the four oldest children are still under Norwegian public care, divided in two different foster homes.

– depending on confidence

Children, youth and family Affairs (Bufdir) describes influx and attention as challenging.

– This is a challenge for us because CPS relies on trust in order to do a good job, writing Bufdir in an email to Dagbladet.

They refer to cultural differences to explain the large negative attention that Norwegian child now will be:

– In Norway we have a basic confidence in the state and the processes to ensure private individuals the rule of law. This trust is not to the same extent existing in eg Eastern European countries, writes Bufdir Dagbladet.

– In Norway Norwegian law

– CPS to help ensure that children and young people safe childhood. Norwegian legislation is directly aimed at the upbringing of children. In Norway it is not allowed to pass or violence against children. Attitudes about what is okay and not okay in rearing purposes may thus be different. But in Norway, the Norwegian law and it must all respect, writes Bufdir.

Bufdir emphasizes that most families who have contact with the child welfare trust authority.

– A recent survey shows that 8 out of 10 of those who receive help from child welfare is pleased with this initiative they receive, according Bufdir.

Would have checked conditions in the family

Psykologspesialist Einar Salvesen has been expert witness family. He has previously said Dagbladet that he would have gone in and checked the conditions in this family, if he had worked in child protection.

– But I would certainly not taken the kids from them. They had their parenting methods that are not in line with the Norwegian, but CPS could have gone out completely measures other than a care, like calls and guidance. There is so much good with this family. There is no doubt that they are happy in their children and that they have good care agency, said Salvesen Dagbladet.


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