Saturday, April 16, 2016

Raja won partial victory on children’s place of residence: – Long-lasting conclusion –

TØNSBERG: (Dagbladet): A satisfied Abid Raja could from the podium at the Liberal national convention today say that he has won an important partial victory on the issue of children’s residence when breakups.

Raja has argued strongly for children under three years must live with the person they have the strongest association with. He fears that children’s best interests are sacrificed on gender equality shrine in custody cases.

In the committee that has submitted proposals for a new family policies which party to vote on, was he at the entrance of the congress a minority. Now, however, the selection is reversed.

The advocates that children under three years should stay with their primary attachment person.

In the government

It is contrary to the government’s wishes. Equality Minister Solveig Horne will go the opposite way and change the Children Act to encourage parents to choose shared custody. Trine Skei Grande has previously said that she supports the government in question.

Director of Oslo Left Guri Melby is sharply critical of the proposal that could be adopted by the congress today, or tomorrow.

– To almost make it impossible to choose shared custody before three years I think is very radical in a negative way. If one believes that it is important that children have contact with both parents so undermines this proposal this says Melby told Dagbladet.

She points out that an increasing number of people choose to share custody.

– It’s about seeing the reality. Around one in three select this today. I mean it is very positive. That means more children are in close contact with both their parents. In those cases it is not shared custody, it is usually the mother who is the main caregiver. There are many cases where the father wants shared custody, but did not get it, says Melby, stressing that it is clearly cases where this is appropriate

– But I think there are many cases it is children who suffer.

– Long-lasting conclusion

Abid Raja argued that it is best for small children to live with it the strongest affiliation. He is supported by ombudsman Anne Lindboe.

– Both Abid and Ombudsman leans very research, and says that there are those who stand for the research-based proposal. But here’s the research that goes in both directions. There is also research showing that children who grow up with only one parent becomes more mentally vulnerable, for example.

– Making it almost impossible to choose shared custody and to say that it is based on the knowledge I mean a small amount required conclusion to draw. I mean there is no research that supports dragging it so far, says Melby.


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