Monday, April 4, 2016

Here meetings Magistrate man who is accused of having tried to kill him – VG

HAMAR (AP) The accused 39-year-old had Magistrate Ola P. Rind as mediator in custody. Now he is accused of having tried to kill Rind and his family.

The trial started Monday morning in a temporary courtroom in Hamar, controlled by South Østerdal District Court, since the local court was disqualified after the arson fire with their boss, judge Ola P. rind.

on the night of July 22, 2013 slipped a person into the garden to the Magistrate and lit on family detached house in Hamar. In the basement asleep booked 21-year-old daughter and her friend. While the flames ravaged, failed neighbors to rescue the two women out of the villa, which was completely damaged. The explosive fire could have claimed the life of her daughter and her girlfriend.

39-year-old is also charged with a number of other conditions, including threats, violence, drug trafficking, having sprayed corrosive liquid policemen who were arresting him and for having tried to ignite the residence of an Hamar woman.

in the past relationship, he said the indictment have tried to push a fellow inmates to perform the mission. He should have been told that it had poured gasoline on the wall under the windows and that he had to make sure there was contact between the gasoline around the house, so that all the walls were ignited simultaneously. Accused shall also be advised that the front door was locked with chains from the outside, so no one could get out.

The fellow inmates withdrew later from the mission.

39-year-old defenders, Thomas Randby and Morten Andreassen, has delivered a number of objections to disqualification in advance of trial. As late as yesterday it was delivered new to one of the presiding judges.

It goes on that the judge attended a seminar where the fire was discussed and was referred to as an arson attempt. The defense believes it already then was concluded that the fire was related to the Magistrate’s work.

South Østerdal Court treated disqualification opposition at the start of straight day, but it was rejected.

Background : father of two charged with arson at the district

& lt; p & gt; POWERFUL FIRE: Judge 21 -  & # xE5; ous daughter and her friend slept in  the basement when the fire started. & lt; / p &  gt;

HEAVY FIRE: Judge’s 21-year-old daughter and her friend slept in the basement when the fire started.


The accused 39-year-old denies culpability.

– it is clear that the house was burning, but the perception of the fire was ignited by my client, is not correct. First, the court must determine whether the fire was in fact applied, and should it come to that is the case, it becomes a question of who fired on, said attorney Morten Andreassen NTB at the weekend.

The defense believes it is problematic that there is close connection between professional actors and the victims in the case. The case has partially been investigated by the same police department that the aggrieved policemen belong. Tormod Bakke, who is the prosecutor, was also chief of police in Hedmark police before he became district attorney in Hedmark and Oppland public prosecutor.

The defense wants the whole case will be postponed. Attorney Thomas Randby says to VG that they believe the client has not had an opportunity to prepare themselves in prison because of the stringent security measures.

The court has now retired to consider petition and there comes a ruling after lunch.

the Correctional Service has made a decision that defendants must sit in custody with especially high security. It is the same regime that Anders Behring Breivik zones below.

See also: Breivik former inmate denies arson and acid attacks


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