Saturday, March 19, 2016

Think a Norway without Jesus is a colder Norway –

(Dagbladet): For the first time more people are saying they do not believe in God than there are people who say they believe in God. In addition, a large group of doubters.

The figures come from the Norwegian Monitor survey of values ​​and attitudes, writes Our Country. To the question “do you believe in God?” Replied 39 percent no, while 37 percent answered yes.

Oslo Bishop Ole Christian Kvarme says he still is optimistic about Jesus’ conditions in Norway.

– Yes, collectively reflects the light so I’m there, says Kvarme despite the majority in Norway for the first time said they not believe in god.

Muslims can create Christian

the bishop believes Muslims can give others to get a clearer view of god and Jesus.

– My impression when I meet young people in schools and churches, is that many people today have a clearer belief in God and Christian identity than when I was young. That is the case both where Christian and Muslim youths mingle, and in more traditional environments. The religious diversity around us gives greater openness to faith and religious identity, especially among young, claims bishop, claims bishop.

Therefore think Kvarme that float in religious belief in Norway will soon subside. He hopes today’s youth will have a more conscious relationship to the Christian faith than the adults have today, especially those who gain knowledge in Islam where religious belief has a more central place in everyday life.

The media blamed

The bishop is still not surprised over the small discouraging figures of Our Country.

– No. Developments in questions concerning faith and religious identity is complex, and we live in a society where not least the media conveys completely different values ​​than those related to a faith in Jesus Christ and a desire to be a Christian, alleges Kvarme.

23 percent of the nearly 4,000 who responded to the survey, which was sent out by post, saying they did not know. By NHA is one very satisfied with current measurement.

– Majority arrogance among Christians should probably get a punch now, says Jens Brun-Pedersen told Dagbladet.

A colder Norway

He believes these figures must have consequences for what he called “the Christians privileges” in society.

– We should have discussions on school worship again and about the daily Christian devotional NRK. We should talk about that extent only priests in prisons and hospitals, and we should consider whether it is so wise to appoint the Norwegian Church to national church in the Constitution, says Brown-Pedersen on.

Bishop Kvarme says a Norwegian society without god is a colder society.

– Our strong caring for the sick and the weak in society is rooted in the Christian faith and Christian values. If grounding in God’s faith really is going down so I fear we get a colder society, he concludes.


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