Saturday, March 12, 2016

The police turned out to abduction – was stag – NRK

A frightened individual in Øvrebø neighborhood Vennesla in Vest-Agder tipped police at 8:05 after watching masked men with guns. The police turned out.

– We ran to the place and realized tolerable quickly that it was something other than the original message about an alleged abduction. There were reports of weapons, but it became apparent that there were paintball guns, said operations Eyvind Formo in Agder Police .

The bachelor party had planned to kidnap the tilkomne groom and had dressed up with masks and paintball guns. Bachelor party had just begun when the police came out.

– It was the kick start for the bachelor party, said Formo.

The police will over the weekend to decide whether the incident has consequences for some of the involved.

– moral gets to be to notify police in advance next time, says Formo .


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