Friday, March 11, 2016

McDonald’s in Kristiansand had limbrett ceilings. Two birds had to be euthanized … –

(Dagbladet): Adina Jeanette Bars Farm (26) from Vennesla calling for a boycott of McDonald’s after she and her two cousins ​​yesterday discovered two live birds that were stuck glued to a frimly in restaurant chain’s premises in Sørlandsparken in Kristiansand.

The cousins ​​brought their birds to the vet, but they were both inflicted so severely damaged that they had to be euthanized.

– I was dumbfounded. This is pure animal cruelty, says Adina Dagbladet.

Contacted manager

26-year-old also spoke with Fædrelandsvennen, who first publicized case.

Adina explains that she first discovered one bird when she and her cousins ​​came into the McDonald’s restaurant yesterday afternoon.

– The flew in circles inside the premises, and up to the fan in the ceiling where it apparently got stuck. I contacted the general manager of the restaurant came over. He picked up a chair and took down the board as Fulgen sat glued to. He then attempted to tear the bird loose, claims 26-year-old.

– I asked him to stop it, because I feared it would harm the bird even more, she continues.

– Terrible

Adina and cousins ​​decided out to either bring the whole frimly vet, to get professional help to save the bird.

– When we looked closer on board, we discovered that it sat glued even a bird to it. I initially thought that it was dead, but then I discovered that it blinked. It was absolutely terrible.

26-year-old says that the birds were euthanized at the vet, as they both had heavy damage. She has since posted an entry about the incident on his own Facebook page. This Friday morning has been divided over 900 times.

– Utilized pests firm

The owner of the McDonald’s restaurant, Alf Olav Øye told Dagbladet that he did not know anything about the methodology been used to catch birds in his restaurant.

– We have a deal with pests firm Exterminators, who is responsible for ensuring food security in our restaurants, and it is this company which is responsible for the method that has been used. We therefore demand a meeting with Exterminators urgently to get cleaned up in this, says Øye.

– What about your employees, some of them said anything about the method?

– We have had confidence that Exterminators, which is the leading company within pest control, has dealt with laws and regulations. We are therefore just as shocked as everyone else that this is not the case, says Øye.


Damage manager Stein Norstein in Exterminators say to Fædrelandsvennen that McDonald’s is completely innocent, and that it is his firm has the full responsibility for the methods used to keep birds out of the premises.

– it is not legal to use frimly to catch birds. I can not explain why there seems to have been done here, but we’re going to pursue this internally. Just regret what has happened, and it is sad if McDonald’s restaurant being stigmatized because of this, says Stein Norstein.

The organization NOAH slices today on their Facebook pages that they have reviewed McDonald’s use of limfeller in their premises.


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