Friday, March 18, 2016

Krekar claims compensation from the state currently in custody –

Mullah Krekar, who is acquitted of threats against a Kurdish man, will require up to 140,000 kroner in compensation from the state for the time he has been in custody.

Krekar was Thursday acquitted the Court of Appeal. Friday treated right the civil compensation claim from Kurdish Halmat Goran for the alleged threats that Krekar now is acquitted.

Kurds requires between 130 000 and 150 000 in compensation from Mullah Krekar, enlightened counsel Kristin Fagerholt Lund procedure.

– He experiences it as a repeat of the fatwa from 2010, said Lund about how the client looks at Krekar’s statements.

Krekar in turn will have a replacement for custody period, since he is now acquitted of having arrived with threats against Goran.

sentenced in 2012

Krekar was in 2012 sentenced to prison for threats against Erna Solberg and three Kurdish men, among them Goran. In this case was compensation for Goran NOK 130 000.

The statements that the appellate court Thursday acquitted Krekar for, came in an NRK interview in February 2015. In October last year, Krekar in Oslo District Court sentenced to one and a half years in prison for threats and incitement to offenses against Kurd Halmat Goran in the interview. Krekar, whose real name is Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, appealed the sentence.

Compensation regardless of fault

Although the question of guilt is agreed upon and can not be appealed further, you Krekar be ordered to pay substitute for Goran.

– There is other evidence requirements to be awarded compensation. It takes a clear likelihood, and we think that that requirement is fulfilled. He is very disappointed over the acquittal, and he finds it difficult to understand why, says counsel Lund said.

– Specific involvement

Krekar’s lawyer, Brynjar Meling, requesting that the client is sentenced to pay compensation.

– the statement is not a threat in the legal sense, said Meling in court Friday.

– If it should be, we believe Halmat Goran is not entitled compensation out of his own involvement in the incident through his burnt Koran. That is what has led to discomfort for him, not that Mullah Krekar has talked about it, elaborates lawyer opposite said.

ruling in the case is expected within four weeks.

Krekar will For replacement

Meanwhile alerts Krekar that he will demand compensation from the state. According to NRK talking about between 130,000 and 140,000 kroner as a base amount, plus a discretionary basis the amount of media attention and the implications of this.

– We have a system that is quite strict and schematic where the person has been unjustly prosecuted is entitled to compensation for the days he has been in custody, says lawyer Meling.

Demanded extradited

Italian authorities have indicted Krekar for terrorist planning and believes he is the leader of the organization Rawti SHAX. He sat until Monday this week in custody pending the extradition request should be treated, but the Italian authorities thought there is no longer need for custody. Probably going Oslo District Court treat the extradition request in June.

Krekar says he in the future will work with writing books.

– I’ve written 80,000 pages by hand, and I will be busy with it in maybe five to six months, he told after the court was adjourned Friday.



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