Friday, March 18, 2016

Krekar claims compensation from the state – NRK

– It is at the basis of a round 130.- 140.000 million as a base amount, says Krekar’s lawyer, Brynjar Meling.

Krekar was Wednesday acquitted in the Court of Appeal for having put forward the threats and urged to criminal offenses in an NRK interview. Meling says that Krekar will demand compensation for the days he has been in custody.

– We have a system that is quite strict and schematic where the person has been unjustly prosecuted is entitled to compensation for the days he has police custody, says Meling.

– There are there when called Mullah Krekar or Erna Solberg or what one called then you have the same rights and the same requirements. This will he have of the Norwegian state.

– People may like or dislike it

Beyond the requirement of the basic rate of 130.- 140.000 million comes a discretionary amount as an addition because of media attention and the implications of it.

– So, people can like it or lump it. But that’s it and then it’s the law you disagree with any. But even those who are against Mullah Krekar must accept that laws and rights also apply to him, says Meling.

Kurds who police believed were threatened in NRK interview is disappointed, says counsel Kristin Fagerholt Lund:

– It’s hard to know the reason why he was acquitted of the jury giveth yes or no. So he is very disappointed that, Lund says.

Upwards of 150,000

They now require reparation replacement of Mullah Krekar. Lund kept procedure in Court of Appeal Friday.

– We believe the threats have affected the situation and lives of victims within such an extent that he is entitled to a redress damages. We believe it should be around 130 to 150,000 kroner, says Lund.

– Why are you there though Krekar was acquitted in the criminal case yesterday?

– It’s two different evidentiary requirements for it. It takes the proven beyond any reasonable doubt that he is guilty while there is other evidence requirements that apply to the compensation for the civil claim.


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