Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Here are heart issues youth parties are willing to sacrifice – NRK

Oil prices are falling, unemployment is rising and refugee crisis cost money. The ministers who leave the budget conference in Hurdal today know that they have less money to spend next year.

Before today’s Political quarters on NRK P2 got all youth leaders in socialist side in homework to give grow politicians some tips to cut process.

the mission was to “kill a matter of the heart” on next year’s budget.

Ideally, it should free up billions, not millions, and preferably it should be a matter that pained both youth party and mother party to throw away.

Here are the answers from youth cut round:

Atle Simonsen (FpU): Remove kind support

disputed SUPPORT: today get parental benefits if they choose not to submit year-olds in kindergarten. FpU will scrapping scheme, and receives support from the Young Conservatives.

Photo: Frank May / NTB scanpix

  • Save: 1.5 billion

Kristian Tonning Riise (UH): Cuts in sick pay

NOT FULL sick pay: today, Norwegian workers hundred percent salary during illness. Government conservation scheme, but all bourgeois youth parties will cut in sick pay.

Photo: Johannessen, Sara / Scanpix

  • saver: Approximately 7.8 billion on sick pay reduced to 80 percent

Ida Lindtveit (KrFU): Drop tax class 2

SPOUSES: In two budget rounds KrF fought in tax class 2, which ensures that spouses who have a partner without income gets lower taxes. KrFU allows the mother party can sacrifice cause,.

Photo: Frank May / NTB scanpix

  • saver: Approximately 0.3 billion

Tord Hustveit (UV): Government Makes treasurer offices

CENTRALISATION: Right / FRP government would move the tax collection function from municipalities to the tax authorities from 1 June 2016, but KrF and Left pushed them to turn around.

Photo: Aas, Erlend / NTB scanpix

  • saver: Approximately 0.35 billion

Cash benefits unpopular

Overall, there are youth majority of cuts proposals NRK pushed leaders to put on the table.

Thus youth “has saved” over ten billion.

It is particularly the proposal to reduce sick pay for greater financial leeway. Young Conservatives launched cut when FpU, which was the first of Political fifteen budget conference in mini format, “intercepted” cash benefits.

– I think maybe cash benefits obsolete now. It had a function previously when it was not full coverage, says Riise in the Young Conservatives.

But the government must break government platform if they are to listen to the youth in this case.

– I think our mother parties are afraid to introduce this measure because it is unpopular because you lose voters it says KrFU leader Ida Lindtveit.

Even think she majority of the population is on the youth side.

– We can not afford to have this scheme forward. The question is whether it is our generation that must make these cuts, or whether we should prepare ourselves a little earlier, she said.

BSU cuts?

It has long been known that youth parties the socialist side wants cuts in sick pay, and the proposal limits thus not your heart matters.

How far are they willing to go when it comes to matters that are important to them?

The Young Liberals and KrFU opens to cut in housing savings for young people (BSU ). If the scheme is halved, saving about half a billion.

– For young I think it is important to have lower taxes so that it is easier to work than that one should make it easier to save for those who already have jobs and earn lots of money, says Hustveit Young Liberals.

No to school cuts

the proposal BSU cuts are rejected outright by FpU. Neither Young Conservatives agree to it.

When the leaders of FpU and Young Conservatives are challenged to propose cuts that is their political own heart, such as transport and school, they respond as follows:

– It is very important for businesses to have good roads to drive on. We can either remove the toll, I would have been happy, says Simonsen (FpU).

– School and education would be very stupid to cut in, for it is something we should live in future then it’s knowledge, says Riise (UH).

whole consignment: See how it went when youth leaders were challenged to kill a passionate cause in the budget process. Presenter Havard Grønli.

whole consignment: See how it went when youth leaders were challenged to kill a passionate cause in the budget process. Presenter Havard Grønli.


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