Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Fatal accident in Shoreline – Beautiful weather

ETNE: An Eastern European man was killed when a Norwegian registered lorries overturned the ground up from the shoreline Wednesday morning.

– The emergency services are on site. E134 will be blocked over time. Detour via old road. Correctional Techniques and accident group NPRA is on the way, police said on Twitter.

There were no passengers in the car. The road at the accident site was smooth, police said.

Road Traffic Management Centre reported clock 06.36 that E134 was closed at shoreline due to traffic accidents.

The vehicle combination is tipped on its side and blocking both lanes on the European road.

Operations Håkon Tornes by police in Haugesund says to Haugesund Avis police was notified of the accident clock 06.29.

– Then, police get to the place quickly becomes determined that the accident has been a tragic outcome. Trafikmessig is it that the road around the church in shoreline is able to take away from the traffic. It will take a long time before the road is open in re, said Tornes.

The vehicle combination came west and probably collided with the crash barrier on the left before it has come into his lane again and run into an earthen and overturned.

– We have no certain identity of the driver, but has registration number of the car and the name of the firm. Wagon train came from Haugalandet and going eastward, said Tornes.

The technical survey was at 10:20 am still not finished. Just before 10.30 began the job of taking the victims out of the car.

The case is updated.

NB: the police reported first that semtraileren came from the east and rolled down the hill to the shoreline, this was clock 08.26 determined was wrong. The car ran in the opposite direction. It also proves that there is a truck and not a semitrailer.


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