Friday, March 18, 2016

- Breivik’s explanation was an insult to the court –

SKI / OSLO (Dagbladet): – Use of the Nazi salute in court is a mockery of the judicial process taking his case seriously, says Adele Matheson Mestad, one of the state’s attorneys in case Anders Behring Breivik (37) has brought against Norway, under its finally procedure in Skien prison.

having heard Breivik’s lawyer Øystein Storrvik tell how terrorist are becoming mentally ill because of the isolation he is subject, went Mestad hard out and reminded the court of the tragedy of mass killings 22 . July 2011.

– Abuse

She pulled trauma survivors must carry on, but also quoted Bjorn Ihler, which has emphasized that the case must be carried out, to prove that Norway is a constitutional state. But she believes that Breivik abusing judiciary with their gestures, including Sieg Heil salute he made at his entrance Monday.

Mestad also believes that Breivik really have another agenda than getting a judgment stating that he considered inhuman and degrading and denied the right to privacy.

– He is looking for something else entirely. This is the same personality disordered narcissist we saw in the criminal case, the lawyer said.

She and Emberland rejects the Breivik claims about treatment in prison. The terrorist believes ia that his access to visit and send / receive letters is severely limited, if not impossible, but the government believes that this should be seen in light of his political agenda, and that he has opted out options that would lead to more human contact – blue. Red Cross visit ears and a psychiatrist.

Have rejected contact

– The plaintiff is not looking for contact, but meaningful contact, says Mestad referring to that Breivik is not subject to a restraining order, but has cut off contact with family and friends. The only thing he wants to have visit, is minded – three such’ve correctional put your foot down.

– To let a convicted terrorist get linking and maintaining contact with his fellow, is obviously dangerous, says the lawyer.

earlier this trial emerged that Breivik during the entire period in prison has sent and received up to 4,000 letters. Most have released through censorship, 600 has been stopped, because they are considered to be attempts to expand the network around the terrorist.

– is mainly a question of cessation of pure mass mailings to people he do not know, says Mestad.

Trekker front Ocalan

as with Storrvik draws Mestad cases which has circulated in the European Court of human Rights (ECHR) – including lawsuit filed by the Kurdish PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan.

– Court found that it did not constitute any infringement narrow and controls the engine one prisoner contact with the outside world in a case where the inmate ugjorde a special threat, says Mestad.

Her colleague Marius Emberland continuing state procedure. Afterwards there will be an opportunity equivalent (remark) from Breivik’s lawyers.

Mestad and Emberland can not see that there has been no infringement under the European Human Species. 3 and 8, respectively inhuman / degrading treatment and the right to privacy.

– The assertion is thus that the government, represented by Ministry of Justice, acquitted, says Emberland.


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